Michael Benzinger

Following a one-night stand, a young insomniac (James Baksh) wakes up in a luxurious Manhattan apartment where things are not what they seem. Something about his host (E Duffy) is off. When she reveals that they are not alone, the red flags escalate into a waking nightmare.

After a long break from dating (and people in general), ISAAC (Bart Elliott) is ready to rip off the Band-Aid. He matches with VIVI (Lillian Conner), a mysterious woman who's out-of-his-comfort-zone in all the right ways. When she invites him to be her +1 for a secretive drug-infused art show, how can he say no? What starts as a blissfully bizarre first date quickly spirals, and the red flags keep getting redder. But is it really as sinister as it seems, or are the LSD-soaked olives just making him paranoid?