Michael Chuah

A love story between a professional crying expert and her client.

With the recent crime rate, a group of people decided to form a neighborhood watch to patrol their small town. The people who formed the watch are mostly retirees, and are fans of action movies, always imagining themselves to be an action hero like their idol. Their chance to be a hero finally comes when a mysterious girl appear in their town to seek their help.

Tells the story of Huat, an ordinary uncle who dresses up as a superhero to fight crime. Firefly becomes an icon in the city when he successfully saves many people from being victims of crime. His success is not attributed because of his skills, but due to pure luck. Firefly soon meets a group of vigilantes who has real skills but who is brutal in carrying out their crime fighting mission.


John despises his father for being a failure in life. When John returns home to facilitate his father's funeral, his life comes to a turning point, as he discovers the true motivation of his misjudged father.


"Fist of Dragon" tells the story of Li, who comes to South East Asia by the request of his father to help out his uncle who has been facing financial difficulties. Li, upon arriving in the town, feels out of place due to the differences in cultures of the people here. When he discovers that his uncle has been facing many hardships posed by the local mobsters, Li decided to stay and to help his uncle and get rid of them. However, Li encounter numerous resistances from the locals as Li's action brings the wrath of the triad and drags the whole town into turmoil. Moreover, his uncle's daughter, Lily is on the triad side, and their relationship is badly affected when the confrontation between the two groups reach its peak.


A terrifying tale of the life of a single woman, who decides to undergo the "in-vitro fertilization process" in Singapore to have a child of her own. Seven years later, she moves into a new apartment and her child begins to behave oddly, much to the bafflement of the young mother. Her fears begin to mount when she finds her daughter frequently talking to herself in the presence of a shadowy figure, who has been appearing in their new home. When she tries to question her child on her behavior, she is shocked to discover that her daughter has been communicating with the dead.
