Michael Forlong

Heartbreak is tough, but the healing of a man's heart is a story rarely told.

The efforts of three children, who live in high rise flats, to save a donkey from two small-time crooks who want to sell it as horsemeat, by providing a temporary stable for the donkey in the block of high-rise flats.


A youth on the run hijacks a yacht with three children aboard.


An adventure story for children in eight parts, filmed on location in New Zealand. In the fourth episode, the escaped criminals travel on a ferry to Wellington in order to retrieve money from a bank robbery, with the children in pursuit.

An adventure story for children in eight parts, filmed on location in New Zealand. In the second episode, the children who live around Marlborough Sound rescue a sheep stranded on a cliff ledge. Meanwhile, two escaped criminals steal food and make their plans.

An adventure story for children set in New Zealand and told in eight sequential episodes. 5 of 8: The escaped criminals drive away from Wellington in a stolen car. However, Johnny and Rangi are hidden in the boot.

An adventure story for children set in New Zealand and told in eight sequential episodes

Four children on a remote sheep station in New Zealand hear of the escape of two convicts, and realise that the crooks are responsible for burgling their house.


An adventure story for children set in New Zealand and told in eight sequential episodes. 1 of 8: Two mysterious men arrive in the remote area known as Marlborough Sound. They steal clothes, food and petrol from a farm.

An adventure story for children in eight parts, filmed on location in New Zealand. In the third episode, the escaped criminals attempt to flee in a rowing-boat. The children chase them in a motor boat; however, their plans backfire when the villains come aboard.

An adventure story for children set in New Zealand and told in eight sequential episodes

Children's Film Foundation comedy.

A lion escapes from a circus but is rescued and protected by a young boy.


After suffering a near fatal accident in his last race over the hill, top British race car driver Greg Rafferty, is about to call it quits when he gets a telegram from racing car tire manufacture Joseph Bartell. He wants Greg to test out his latest invention, a heat resistant car tire, in actual racing competition.


A British Corporal in France finds himself responsible for the lives of his men when their officer is killed. He has to get them back to Britain somehow. Meanwhile, British civilians are being dragged into the war with Operation Dynamo, the scheme to get the French and British forces back from the Dunkirk beaches. Some come forward to help, others were less willing.


"Shetlandsgjengen", which translates as "the Shetland-gang", relates the true story of the illegal traffic across the North Sea from German occupied Norway to Shetland during World War II. A small group of Norwegian sailors loosely connected to the British navy take refugees from Norway to Shetland in small fishing-boats, equipped only with low-caliber weapons to protect themselves from German airplanes and patrol-boats. The film is closely based on real events, and many of the members of the gang, including the leader, called "Shetlands-Larsen" play themselves.


Aroha depicts a young Māori chief's daughter who embraces the modernity of the Pākehā world (attending university in Wellington) while confronting her place with her own people (Te Arawa) and traditions at home. The NFU-produced dramatisation is didactic but largely sensitive in making Aroha's story represent contemporary Māori dilemmas (noted anthropologist Ernest Beaglehole was the cultural advisor). Watch out for some musical treats, including an instrumental version of classic Kiwi song, 'Blue Smoke' and a performance of the action song 'Me He Manu Rere'.

Three Brits travel and settle down in New Zealand, and the film records their hopes, jobs, challenges, and adventures in the new country.

The coming of the pioneer settlers in 1840, the making of their first homes in the wilderness, the gold rushes, the Maori wars, the stage coaches, and the frontier towns. A panorama of New Zealand's history and scenery, its social and economic development from 1840 to 1940.

Social drama about a plantation owner who sees his world collapse around him. Planter Sjon Jan van Leent's familiar world is changing. His son is a disappointment, his daughter marries an educated black man, his wife dies and the plantation is not doing well. When he hears his son has made off with some money, he has a heart attack. From his sickbed he thinks about his life and finally he and his wayward children are reconciled.