Michael Henry Brown

A drama focused on Nat Turner and the 1831 slave rebellion in Virginia.


A fearless cop is taking on a ruthless crimelord. He knew the risks. He just didn't know how far he would have to go.


Depicts a heist of old bills, retired from circulation and destined by the government to be "money to burn". However, more broadly, it addresses the issues of Black Americans' involvement in the Vietnam War and their subsequent disillusionment with progress in social issues and civil rights back home in the United States, during the 1960s.


A weekend in the life of the Arnett family. The events of a forty eight hour period have a rainbow of incidents. From a preacher to a drug dealer; from an innocent young school girl to a reformed drug addict gone bad. The same scenario that millions of American families encounter each day in suburbia; both black and white and brown and yellow. There are no racial boundaries to the ups and downs of the real American life.
