Michael Jen

Dali Temple’s Official Qi Ling received the emperor’s secret edict again, and was ordered to track down the “Kowloon Pen” with supernatural magic power and crack its secrets. After several investigations, Qi Ling found that this case is actually related to his dead father. As the mechanism of Jiulong Pen were unveiled layer by layer, the case gradually became clear, but at this time, various forces in the DPRK and China were also surging, and everything is not as simple.

Description:This film tells the story of when the Chinese Chamber of Commerce established the Jockey Club during the Republic of China, patriot Jin Guangrong (played by Lv Liangwei) signed the "Seven Wharfs" gambling contract with the Japanese Chamber of Commerce in order to protect the control of the wharf. Ma Yunfei (Liu Zhuoting), a hero with superb riding skills, became entangled with Jin Guangrong due to someone's framing, and became a murderer overnight. A gamble, a wave of conspiracies, and a fierce and thrilling horse race have made the already unstable Shanghai bund even more turbulent...

The mysterious "yin and yang mural" in Dunhuang of the Western Regions was shocked. The zombie Princess Ding (Meina) returned to the world. Strange visions led to frequent murders. When Dali Temple Shaoqing Qi Ling (played by Qi Shenghan) was ordered to investigate the case, he encountered one after another Xia Bingyu, the lover of Shangmeng and Gu'er, a girl in the ghost city, did not know that he had been involved in a conspiracy.