Michael Ning

"Anita" chronicles the life of the iconic Hong Kong singer Anita Mui, whose dazzling career can be traced back to childhood. No less captivating than her stage presence is her unwavering devotion to family, friends, loved ones and for the greater good of the community. Her vivid life has made for a unique legacy in musical history and earned her the undeniable title of "Daughter of Hong Kong."

This story is a collection of four love relationships: Geeky Hong (Michael Ning) who looks forward to romance bumps into Shirley (Shirley Chan); Rich kid Silver (Chloe So) who is socially anxious hires a rental boyfriend Jerome (Adam Pak); Chung (Anson Kong) and Zoe (Karena),a dysfunctional pair of social couple; and Ho (Edward Ma) an indecisive person meeting Tin Tin (Roxanne Tong), a nurse with polyamorous relationships. Following the through line in each story, they encounter unexpected obstacles in their relationships all set on the eve of Valentine's Day.

Since God created human based on his own image, the love story of thousands of men and women has been born. This movie is adapted from Broadway classic music drama I LOVE YOU, YOU'RE PERFECT, NOW CHANGE! It consists of 12 independent units which composed from different point of view of the individual, family and social to explore the timeless life issues - love!


Top agent Mr. Chan (Dayo Wong) suddenly finds himself removed from duties after his partner Wonder Child unintentionally offends a policewoman, Ms. Shek. But when a financial officer goes crazy due to drugs, Mr. Chan is called back in to solve the case, which he accepts even though this means partnering up with Ms. Shek. The two have some ups and downs while working together, eventually leading to romance.


Internet songwriter Chow (Cherry Ngan) is gifted with an extraordinary retentive memory. She never forgets anything she has heard. One day, she was kidnapped by Yung (Ronald Cheng), a street punk, to a remote fish raft so desolate that an escape plan seems to be a mission impossible. In the hope to flee with the only ability she has, Chow offers to give a spiritual music therapy to the rather maniacal kidnapper. What happens next is beyond anyone’s imagination – the two who have nothing in common begin to form an intimate bond and connection through music. More than that, Chow finds immense inspirations on this “floating stage”, while discovering the incredible singing voice and vocal range in Yung – a seemingly hopeless criminal can also possess a voice as captivating as the sound of nature…


A noir fairytale revolving around three outsiders: a mysterious artist on the run from the real world, a street kid who dreams of getting rich and a girl who is allergic to the sun.


Two slackers put on their superhero suits to save Hong Kong from a zombie invasion. This hybrid directorial debut packs one hell of an emotional punch.


Based on a real murder case where a dismembered corpse of a murdered 16 year-old prostitute girl was found in Hong Kong in 2008.


Once so full of righteousness, young Lui Lok and Nam Kong joined forces to forge their own career dominions, even attaining Chief Detectives Chinese. Yet just at the pinnacles of their lives they became fugitives, forced to flee to foreign countries, never to have the chance to return to their homelands -- because they were Worldwide Wanted as the ICAC's Most Wanted Corrupt Officials.