Michael Rene Walton

A lifetime ago in a sleepy Michigan lake town, Hannah Howard (Melissa Anschutz) experienced something otherworldly. For years the event was pushed to the corners of her mind, seemingly forgotten until a trip home starts unlocking her past memories. Can her advice-giving, hippy-mother (Victoria Jackson) or the small town preacher (Don Most) or her newly discovered, bigfoot-hunting brother (Josh 'Ponceman' Perry) help her make sense of it all? To add to the growing mystery, the strange events have started again upon Hannah's return. Strange lights appearing in the sky over a place locals call the Devil's Crossroads.

Life in 1800's Michigan, focusing on a Civil War vet trying to make peace with his losses and start a new life despite the world resisting change around him.


A chemical accident turns ordinary donuts into blood thirsty killers. Now it's up to Johnny, Michelle and Howard to save their sleepy town from...Killer Donuts.


20 years after going MIA in Desert Storm, Aaron returns home under mysterious conditions, not having aged since his disappearance, and must reestablish relationships with loved ones before an imminent return to an ambiguous other-worldly existence.


Sonny "Sundown" Garcia is the top cocaine distributor in the United States, which has made him a very rich and powerful man. It has also made him plenty of enemies. John Doe is just such a man. A nameless man of mystery, John lives to see Sundown not just dead, but to suffer six meaningful losses before his death—his fortune, his freedom, his love, his reputation, his most valuable possession and, finally, his life. John hires six hit-men, each one assigned to inflict one of the six meaningful losses upon Sundown.


Below the streets of New York is a dark and dangerous world hidden in the shadows of abandoned subway tunnels and miles of forgotten infrastructure. When a young documentary filmmaker goes into these tunnels to uncover the unseen stories of the people living below our feet, she finds out that there is more to be afraid of than the dark. A mysterious figure, living beyond the reach of the law, has declared war on the outside world that threatens to tear apart the fragile underground society living in the tunnels and maybe even the city above it.


John is an avid role player. He has feelings for Brooke, a fellow role player, but when Brooke makes it clear to him that the feelings are far from mutual, John is thrown into despair and takes his own life. In the wake of this, his friends and fellow gamers are stalked by a mysterious black knight.
