Michael Roemer

A small-time Jewish racketeer, just out of prison, finds himself in a quandary. Returning to his old neighborhood, he finds that the streets that he and his friends once controlled have now been taken over by blacks and Hispanics. On top of that, he must try to get back with his family, who want nothing to do with him.


Unsuccessfully trying to close old family wounds on a trip back to the Rhode Island home of her miserable childhood, a troubled Brooke Adams finds her new friendship with neighbor Trish Van Devere has her stuck in another family drama.


A woman suffering from terminal cancer determines to resolve several relationships in her life, especially with her daughter.


Last days: Sally, 46, bonds with her elderly mother as they take things day to day; Bill, in his early 30s, stoically goes on while his wife loses herself in rage; grandfatherly Reverend Bryant preaches a final sermon, then goes back South one last time. Three different cinema verité’s Ikiru’s, filmed over a two-year period.

Major aspects of life in Israel are reflected in the faces of its multi-ethnic society.

A proud black man and his school-teacher wife face discriminatory challenges in 1960s America.


Directed by Michael Roemer.
