Michaël Youn

Willy and Tony have a brilliant idea for getting out of it financially: stealing a dog from the brigade des stups. But everything does not go as planned and the two accomplices will have to rely on the most corrupt of the cops.


Beatrice celebrates with her family the release of her book: she tells about the accident of her husband Frederic. He became blind and without filter - always so funny and seductive, he is totally unpredictable. But this book, hymn-to-life, will turn into a joyful fist because if Beatrice changed the names, each of his friends seeks to find his character. The book awakens secret jealousies, while the group of friends and family pitch.


A news anchor, a comedian, an actress, and a soccer player with big egos have to travel across the globe to meet the Malawa tribe for a TV show.


At 33 years old, and after numerous failed attempt to make it as a musician, Chris still lives with his mother. One day he crosses paths with a young missionary in need of a guitarist for his new religious band, he recruits Chris and disguises him as Father Christophe.


After getting dumped on Christmas Eve, Angela must rebuild her life surrounded by her rebellious teenager, her tyrannical mother, her hysterical best friend, and a weird psychologist.


After being bullied for months at school, 16-year-old Jonathan douses himself with gasoline and lights a match. Now, in an induced coma, his body covered in burns, his life is on hold, his parents are in shock and the school is in turmoil.


A young cobra and his scorpion best friend go on a journey across the Sahara desert to save a new-found love.


In danger of losing his business, Anthony Roca, an ordinary man, develops a scam that will become the heist of the century. Overtaken by the crime, he will have to deal with betrayal, murder and settling.


Dans l’œil des Enfoirés est le vingt-et-unième album des Enfoirés, enregistré lors de leurs sept concerts à l’Arena Montpellier du mercredi 26 janvier au lundi 31 janvier 2011.

In the depths of a British legend, the ghost of Eleanor Canterville is condemned to haunt the castle of his family and to scare away any inhabitant. It fulfills this task perfectly, helped by Gwilherm, his faithful servant. But when Otis, a family fleeing Parisian life, buy the castle, Eleanor is upset because she cannot scare this tribe of the twenty-first century. Worse yet, children ridicule and parents are unaware. Only Virginia Otis, aged fifteen, moved by the fate of Canterville Ghost, will seek to deliver from curse on it.


A documentary about the history of The Walt Disney Company and its theme parks.

Brothers Yvan and Max are total opposites. One is a hypochondriac; the other, a carefree optimist. Their little sister Hélène suffers from kidney problems and urgently needs a transplant. Both are called upon but only one will be chosen.


Muzafar and Feruz are two easy going shepherds from Taboulistan, a tiny country in Asia that is unknown to the rest of the world. To alert the world to his country’s existence, the son of Taboulistan’s president decides to instigate a program of publicity terrorism. To that end, he recruits our two naive shepherds, their mission: to destroy the Eiffel Tower! But the France that Muzafar and Feruz discovers is far from what they had expected...


Lola Arendt, 8, vanishes while on vacation on a wild Scottish island. Shattered by her disappearance, her parents, Sarah and Martin, separate. Two years later, Lola is found at the exact same spot. Martin returns to the island to bring her home. His delight at being reunited with Lola soon gives way to suspicion and fear. Why won't Lola talk? Who are these men watching them? What did Sarah know about Lola's disappearance? And who is beautiful and mysterious Norah Kross? When the weather conspires to stop them leaving, Martin and Lola embark on a journey across the island with Norah, headed for a tragic discovery...


A veteran chef faces off against his restaurant group's new CEO, who wants to the establishment to lose a star from its rating in order to bring in a younger chef who specializes in molecular gastronomy.


A funny comedy about the war suddenly started between two restaurant owners families.


From multicultural Paris to designer Paris, Montmartre to the Champs-Elysées, sleazy sidewalks to high-end galleries... Watch out! Sam the courier is a man on a mission! On his scooter, Sam breaks every rule of the road to make good on the "express delivery" promise of the courier service he works for. But however hard he tries, Sam never gets a bonus from his boss, never beats his slicker colleagues and never gets past his Dad, a cop who books him every time. All Sam has up is Nadia, and she will turn on him if he doesn't show up for her sister's wedding. Trouble is, Sam has one more delivery to make and his day has just gone from bad to worse...


Fatal... c'est Fatal Bazooka, un rappeur bling-bling et hardcore. En fait, un personnage de sketch créé par Michaël Youn dans son show-télé "Morning Live", puis développé dans l'album "T'as vu" vendu à plus de 500 000 exemplaires. Ce film raconte ce que serait devenu ce rappeur s'il en avait vendu... 15 millions ! Fatal est désormais une énorme star. Des millions de fans, des dizaines de tubes, 4 Music Awards de la Musique du meilleur artiste de l'année, une ligne de vêtements, un magazine et prochainement l'ouverture de son propre parc d'attraction : Fataland. Il est le N°1 incontesté...


Fearless gunslinger, Lucky Luke, is ordered by the President to bring peace to Daisy Town.


Pierre Forêt est drôle et c'est son drame. C'est aussi son métier ; il est chauffeur de salle à la télé. Pierre Forêt est drôle mais il aurait préféré être beau. Ou alors comédien. Ou chanteur. Question de crédibilité. Pierre Forêt n'en peut plus. Ça fait six nuits qu'il ne dort plus. Il a enlevé Clovis Costa, le chanteur, l'idole, et le séquestre dans l'appartement de son enfance. Aucune issue.


Muppets TV is a French television series featuring the Muppets, which first broadcast over TF1 on October 29, 2006 and aired its last episode on December 31 of the same year.


In Baghdad the Magnificent reigns Haroun al Plassid, who is the Caliph. There also dwells Iznogoud, who wants to be the Caliph. The irascible Grand Vizier hatches plot after plot to remove his ruler and take his place—melting Djinn, invisibility spell, cursed diamond, voodoo doll… But no amount of cunning or obstinacy can make up for sheer, hilariously bad luck.


A story about two couples, longtime friends in which both husbands engage in long-term affairs and, as the title says, ultimately one remains with his wife and one makes a new life with another woman.


After an evening of drinking, six men find themselves in front of The God of the Joke. Distressed to find that people aren't laughing anymore, He gives the six friends a mission: to save the world with the Eleven Commandments of the Joke. The men enthusiastically take on their task. They undertake various tests aimed at pushing the limits of stupidity.


Alphonse Brown, who firmly believes he is the bastard son of James Brown, meets up with his best friend Scotch after Brown gets out of jail. On their way to Paris to begin careers as recording artists, the pair stumbles across a potent type of marijuana that was engineered by the Nazis. Their decision to begin selling the stuff leads to a variety of people chasing after them.


Choukri, alias Chouchou, a transvestite Maghrebi with clear eyes, comes illegally to Paris to find his nephew. Hired as an assistant by a psychotherapist, known for his good mood, he also work as a waiter in a transvestite cabaret of Clichy where he meets Stanislas.
