Michaela Pavlátová

When Herra, a young Czech woman, falls in love with Nazir, an Afghan, she has no idea what kind of life awaits her in post-Taliban Afghanistan, nor of the family she is about to integrate into. A liberal grandfather, an adopted child who is highly intelligent and Freshta, who would do anything to escape her husband's violent grip.

In the 1980s, Anna, a Czech sprinter, starts training for the Olympics. After she collapses during training, she learns she is being given steroids and decides to stop using them until her mother helps the coaches give them to her.


As every morning, men get on the tram to go to work. But on that day, to the rhythm of the tickets inserted in the ticket-stamping machine, the vehicle gets erotic and the conductress’ desire turns the reality into a surrealistic and phallic fantasy.


Carnival of the Animals


A husband asks the best friend to seduce his wife in order to get divorce.


A four-story omnibus depicting different Czech slices-of-life from the titular city.


A cynical take on "happily ever after"


Je to film sestávající ze šesti povídek, které většinou černě humornou, ironickou, mnohdy i trpce hořkou formou vyprávějí o jednom dávném prokletí, lidské nevěře, podivných úchylkách, nečekaném zázraku i pokryteckém odpuštění. Mají svou vlastní vypointovanou stavbu, specifickou atmosféru i způsob zpracování, a přesto jedna druhé předává motivy vzájemně spolu komunikující a pozorující tytéž věci z různých úhlů. (oficiální text distributora)


This is one of the classic animations of the 1990s with its surreal tale of the struggle between the sexes. All the strains as well as the closeness of relationships are shown, the title referring to the repetition of the tensions throughout our lives. It also reveals the role the woman plays in a marriage and the need, though often not communicated properly, of the man for this companionship and support.


In a cafe, people talk, their words become expresively-shaped balloons. An older waiter tries to connect with a young woman who's reading. She brushes him off, but gets into an animated and romantic conversation with a young man. A dog goes from table to table drinking beer and wine when people aren't looking. Older men talk about sexual conquests until one of their wives interrupts them. The young couple argues; he starts to leave, she pleads, he leaves anyway. The waiter tries to help. Old guys talk until they nod off. Women chat. Later, as the waiter cleans up, the finds the young woman's book. He sighs, the dog sleeps it off.


Etuda z alba, Michaela Pavlátová's first short animation, is about a long married couple and their way of coping with divergences of opinion.