Michel Charette

After years of keeping his detectives at the headquarters, the Montreal PD has decided to reassign them to neighbourhood precincts in an effort to get closer to the population. Nadine Legrand and Patrick Bissonnette have to find their footing in their new work place: District 31.


In the follow up to the box-office hit Nitro (2007), we catch up with Max as he serves time for the role he played in the death of a police officer. When the film begins, Max learns that his 17-year-old son Theo has just been recruited by a criminal organization. Desperate to get him out of this situation, Max escapes from prison. He discovers that Theo and his best friend Charly have fallen under the control of Daphne, an alluring femme fatale, who is taking advantage of the teens’ expert computer skills to plan a bold and risky burglary. Quickly understanding he’ll be unable to persuade his son to walk away from it all, Max joins the team in order to protect them. His driving skills and his athletic prowess will prove to be invaluable assets in this action-packed sequel.


At 20, Donalda is the most beautiful girl in Sainte-Adèle. Young, intelligent, and dynamic, she has always been in love with Alexis, the log driver, a feisty adventurer whose life is a perpetual storm. But Seraphin is also in love with Donalda, and he will do anything to have her.


What if mechanics told us the truth? What if Barbie and Ken really existed? What if hockey players were always polite with each other? These are the kinds of set-ups explored in this irreverent, absurd and nutty sketch comedy television show.

Prequel to the popular Les Boys series about hockey featuring the characters as high school students.


Four years later, Stan invites his men closed in an outfitter retirement. Their goal: to face the team of the legends of the National League.


It has kidnapped Roxane Labelle, a Canadian singer covered gold records and awards. To his captors, no question of release without payment of a large ransom. Father and manager of the star, Paul Labelle asks a small accountant do it. Easier said than done, especially the payer also has a large sum to the Mafia and, rapidly, what Québec account scoundrels, thieves and killers are chasing the fabulous bonanza.


Trois années ont passées. Les Boys forment encore une belle équipe de hockey dans une ligue de garage. Leur entraîneur Stan, en France depuis trois ans, revient de son périple à la grande joie de ses troupiers. Cependant, un riche homme d'affaires apparaît dans le décor et les joueurs se sentent attirés par l'appât du gain jusqu'au point où les Boys affronteront... les Boys.


After an unpleasant run-in with a group of bikers, a young convenience store robber (Marc) gets approached by the same bikers to help out with a picnic. After the picnic, seeing he has guts, the bikers propose him for membership. As the story unfolds, Marc winds up questioning his own morality and wondering whether he's going down the wrong path. The biggest problem, however, is that one of his friends got him into trouble, and he has little time to fix it...


In this French Canadian drama, the life of a paraplegic painter implodes when an old girlfriend comes back into his life and accuses him of raping her 15 years earlier.


Nos Boys sont de retour une année après leurs dernières aventures. Cette fois-ci, les joueurs de la ligue de garage la plus populaire du Québec se rendent en France, à Chamonix, pour participer à un tournoi international de hockey amateur.


Every Monday night The Boys put on skates and leave their troubled lives behind.


Deliberately Felliniesque, this surreal and uneven Canadian satire from iconoclastic French Canadian director Gilles Carle offers an episodic look into an anarchistic, metaphorical world filled with a bizarre assortment of weirdos, wackos and misanthropes. The story roughly centers on the adventures of Yo-Yo, a young woman who is first seen acting as a high priestess for a ceremony involving the miraculous healing powers of the little boy Alphonse.


Radio Enfer was a Québécois sitcom broadcast on Canal Famille and its later incarnation, Vrak.TV, about a group of students at an unidentified high school managing their own high school radio station. Radio Enfer had a total of 143 episodes and six seasons dating from 1995–2001.
