Michel Roux

Mr. Bennett is a model citizen, a tender father and an irreproachable husband, he yearns for a quiet life. On a weekend he receives a visit from a strange man called Pédro Juarez. Mr. Bennett’s past suddenly resurfaces and his peaceful existence is turned upside down ...

Maria (Jacqueline Maillan), a great tragedian, has desires for radical change in her career. Singing, dancing, changing registers and getting younger: it has become an obsession. To get there, she calls on her ex-lover Simon (Michel Roux) whom she left in the past, who has become a popular choreographer for stars on Broadway. The reunion is somewhat tormented ...

Blaise is a doctor, Monique, his wife, is his assistant. That Sunday, in Orleans, the doctor gone hunting, and Monique, finding herself alone, meditating on her monotonous life ... when the doorbell rings, she writes in panic: "I don't want to yell ! ". But she is already yelping, that is to say that she dreams, straddling the real and the imaginary, logic and vision, the concrete and the abstract ...

Part of a 6-film collection called “Grands Détectives” about famous fictional private detectives.

Catherine Hubscher, laundress, saves the life of an Austrian nobleman with the complicity of her fiancé, Sergeant Lefebvre, the day when royalty collapses. And then the years pass ... Become Marshal of the Empire and Duke of Danzig, ex Sergeant Lefebvre always has for wife Catherine, the ex laundress; and this, in spite of the efforts made by the Emperor Napoleon to have him divorced, the Emperor blamed him strongly for the lack of distinction of Catherine. Faced with the Marshal's refusal, Catherine was summoned to the Emperor's house and the dialogue between them lacked heat to say the least, until the former lieutenant Bonaparte recognized in Maréchale Lefebvre, Catherine the laundress, who once , gave him credit for his laundering debts.


Handsome and rich Spanish gentleman abandons his wife and riches for his love of a young girl of poor stock who taunts and degrades him.


The incredible story of three promiscuous friends who share more things than they think. Ernest, Jobelin and Marjavel collect pranks and exchange wives and mistresses in the greatest secrecy. But their joyous merry-go-round threatens to collapse at the slightest misstep.

Two scriptwriters argue about the fate of Henrietta, a charming and gamine shopgirl. One favors a comical path for their heroine, who is overcome with sentimental love for a young photographer on Bastille Day. The other has a more thrilling and dastardly fate in mind for her. Among the film's irresistible conceits is Hildegarde Neff as an oversexed circus bareback rider.
