Michèle Laroque

While working part-time as a food deliveryman, Antoine, an aspiring young rapper from the suburbs of Paris, meets Mrs. Loiseau, an eminent teacher at the Paris Opéra. Stunned by the young man's raw talent, she introduces him to the world of opera. As Antoine becomes one of Mrs. Loiseau's students, he hides his new dream from his friends and family, fearing that they won’t understand – this double life burdens him... Somewhere in between the gilded and uptight Parisian upper-class, and the harsh yet free-spirited and familiar suburbs he grew up in, Antoine will have to find his own voice.

Catherine and Yann, happily married for many years, should have spent the year travelling abroad. But since he sold his business, Yann has been too busy with his bonsai trees and keeps postponing the big trip. Things go from bad to worse when their 27-year-old broke daughter and her boyfriend lose their apartment and come knocking on the door to stay. With Yann’s mid-life crisis spinning out of control, their couch surfing daughter and partner getting increasingly invasive and their stay becoming indefinite, Catherine will try everything to kick them out of the parental home and get her life back on track!

Marilou and Philippe prepare for their future retirement in Portugal. But their daughter separates and a whole procession of solicitations falls on them.


After getting dumped on Christmas Eve, Angela must rebuild her life surrounded by her rebellious teenager, her tyrannical mother, her hysterical best friend, and a weird psychologist.


Greg founded a company called Alibi.com that creates any type of alibi. With his associate, Augustin, and Medhi his new employee, they devise unstoppable stratagems and stagings to cover their clients. But meeting Flo, a pretty blonde who hates men who lie, will complicate Greg's life, which begins by hiding the true nature of his activity. During the presentation to parents, Greg understands that Gérard, the father of Flo, is also one of their clients.


Claude falls in love with Cécile. She is convinced that she is the woman of her life unlike her mother who knows the tumultuous sentimental life of her daughter.


Like every summer, our friends, the Pics, Jacky and Laurette, Gatineau, recently divorced from Sopie, and Patrick Chirac, ever true to form, get together at the Blue Waves camping grounds. This year, Patrick has decided to try car sharing. Believing that he'll travel through France alone with Vanessa, he finds himself accompanied by three young Dijon inhabitants: smooth-talking Robert, good-looking Benji and loudmouth José. Of course, after car sharing Patrick is forced to try out bed sharing...


1997 - An old notable French provincial family falls under the spell of a manipulator with no scruples able to make a whole family become paranoid.


In the depths of a British legend, the ghost of Eleanor Canterville is condemned to haunt the castle of his family and to scare away any inhabitant. It fulfills this task perfectly, helped by Gwilherm, his faithful servant. But when Otis, a family fleeing Parisian life, buy the castle, Eleanor is upset because she cannot scare this tribe of the twenty-first century. Worse yet, children ridicule and parents are unaware. Only Virginia Otis, aged fifteen, moved by the fate of Canterville Ghost, will seek to deliver from curse on it.


Mathilde, a mother-of-three, thoughtful consultant in a Planned Parenthood Center, is visited by a 16-year-old girl who was raped at a party. Shattered when she finds out her son is being accused, she now faces a great dilemma.


They try everything in order to rekindle the flame and to spice up their love life. They really try EVERYTHING ! The African jungle, celebrity, spiritualism, and even swingers! The more unusual, the more they love it ...

At 45, her lawyer degree in hand, Claire Robin has left her life as a florist behind her. Facing the prejudices of an elitist corporation, her colleagues are sharpening their knives.


Monsieur Papa is a moving portrait of a modern family, centering around 12 year-old Marius Vallois. Born in a wealthy family, Marius is the son of Marie Vallois, a successful CEO. Marie loves her son unconditionally, but Marius has never known his father and suffers greatly from it. When Marius starts shoplifting and doing badly at school, Marie decides to recruit a father figure for him. One day in her office building, she meets Robert Pique. Robert is a peculiar man who has a background in finance, but makes ends meet ironing clothes for his neighbors. Reluctant at first, Robert agrees to be paid to meet Marius and pretends to be his father. Marius immediately understands that Robert is not his dad, but very quickly, a deep bond develops between them.


Louis was adopted when he was just a baby. Now sixteen-year-old Louis wants to know where he comes from. He therefore heads south to find the mother he's never known. Totally thrown by this unexpected visit, Solange rejects the child she never desired. Louis will nevertheless do everything he can to make her accept him.


Listening in to a conversation between his doctor and parents, 10-year-old Oscar learns what nobody has the courage to tell him. He only has a few weeks to live. Furious, he refuses to speak to anyone except straight-talking Rose, the lady in pink he meets on the hospital stairs. As Christmas approaches, Rose uses her fantastical experiences as a professional wrestler, her imagination, wit and charm to allow Oscar to live life and love to the full, in the company of his friends Pop Corn, Einstein, Bacon and childhood sweetheart Peggy Blue. Written by American Film Market


A businessman (Modine) watches as his life begins to unravel after learning his ex-wife is going to marry his best friend. A distracting battle of wills with a real estate developer, however, might just be the thing that turns his life around.


Anne-Marie lives an easy life with Gilbert, a rich plastic surgeon: a beautiful house, a doggy, a cleaning lady, expensive furniture, the lot. Not so easy in fact when she thinks twice. She does not get on with her husband any longer. She gets on his nerves and he does not attract her any longer. She feels good only when she jogs on the beach and ... when she is the arms of her lover, Leo. One day, Gilbert gets killed in a car accident. Good news, since she will be able to live with Leo. The trouble is her well-meaning family settle at her villa with a view to supporting the "poor widow" morally. Anne-Marie just cannot admit she is not distressed at all, especially to her son Christophe. She is now even more of a prisoner than when Gilbert was alive...


The upper-class secret agent teaming up accidentally with an easily-corrupted, sly interpreter...


On a mission to loosen up, a miser's sets about buying a house in the country for his family.


A man leaves his 8-year old son with his father-in-law who lives near the glacier where the boy's mother died.


Loic and Seb are a couple living in Paris's gay district, the Marais. Seb is the owner of the district's most trendy, chic and camp nightclub. It's a world devoid of judging eyes where the clientele can be themselves. Things are just terrific. What's more, Loic's dream of transmitting his heart and soul to another human being is about to come true: he's going to be a father. He gave his sperm. Things are just terrific. Marie Haguette, their accomplice, is offering them this gift, the most beautiful gift that two gay guys could receive: a baby! She's three-months pregnant, that dicey moment when things could go wrong... Maybe this is why Loic has morning sickness, contractions and cravings. Things are just terrific. Except for love, Love with a capital L of course, upsets the pie-cart. Marie falls madly in love with Charles, a wonderful stranger, but at least he's straight. What's more, he's coming to dinner tomorrow night. What should Loic and Seb do?


A man spreads the rumor of his fake homosexuality with the aid of his neighbor, to prevent his imminent firing at his work.


Oriane and Hadrian's couple is going through a crisis. Determined to save their marriage, Oriane visits a Gypsy fortune teller who foresees a dark future. But Oriane won't hear of anything but a happy ending and the psychic is forced to read another future which, unfortunately, also happens to end bitterly. Will the third reading satisfy the young woman?


Claire Doste is about to reach the age of 35 and has everything one dreams of, such as having four boyfriends and a creative job in a publishing house specialising in crime novels. One day, she invites all of her boyfriends to her birthday dinner so that she can pick out her would-be fiancé. But an accident happens when Claire is getting the dinner ready.


Ludovic is a small boy who cross-dresses and generally acts like a girl, talks of marrying his neighbor's son and can not understand why everyone is so surprised about it. His actions lead to problems for him and his family.


Pour se rapprocher de ses enfants a la suite de son divorce, Laurent Monier, professeur d'histoire-geographie dans un paisible lycee de province, accepte un poste dans un college sensible de la banlieue parisienne. On lui attribue la classe la plus dure, la quatrieme techno, et il trouve un appartement a la cite des Muriers, un quartier particulierement difficile.


A closeted gay man's attempt to "act straight" for the sake of his job has unexpected consequences.


Serge Perrin is 23 and unusually happy at the prospect of spending the rest of his life in jail for a series of crimes he did not commit. This black French comedy attempts to explain via flashback the twisted reasons why an innocent youth would so cavalierly throw away his freedom.


Antoine Rivière, a highly-reputed psychoanalyst, is visited by a new patient, Edouard Berg. When Berg claims to have killed his own wife, the doctor suspects he is a compulsive liar. How could he know that he has been caught in a trap and it's already too late for escape?


Bernard, an executive for a big company, tries to get home in time for his wedding but is caught in the middle of a mass suicide. He saves a sect member who then follows him like a puppy, and is chased by the sect leaders, two over-the-top crooks with bloated egos and a craving for money.


Nelly leaves her lazy, unemployed husband to work for retired judge Mr Arnaud, forty years her senior, after he offers to clear her bills for her. While she types his memoirs the two develop a close friendship, but Arnaud becomes jealous when Nelly begins dating his good-looking young publisher.


Several lives intersect when a middle-aged woman is left by her husband, and she decides to trek him down with the help of her equally troubled sister.


Georges Flavier, once renowned Parisian hairdresser, lives alone since the death of his son and the departure of his wife. One night, he saves a stranger from drowning in the Canal Saint-Martin.


Vincent, a stunt pilot, is acquitted of murdering his wife and her lover. However, a few years later, L'Elegant, the Judge in the case, comes to blackmail him. The Judge's nephew, Paul, is having trouble with his wife and they demand that Vincent kill her. The Judge, a confirmed bachelor, takes Paul and Vincent on the road to search for Paul's wife Marie. The three men get on well together, and spend their time discussing their relationship with women.


History buffs will glory in the riches of Louis, Enfant Roi, others will perhaps find this complex story of intrigues and betrayals in the court of the young king tough sledding. When Louis the Fourteenth (1638-1715) was born, the power of government was shared between the monarchy, the church, the nobility, and the Parlement. His predecessor had greatly centralized the powers of government following the advice of Cardinal Richelieu. Louis XIV (often called "The Sun King" for the brilliance of his rule) followed the advice of Richelieu's successor, Cardinal Mazarin (Paolo Graziosi), and brought the powers of government under the sole sway of the monarch. He expanded the territory and influence of France in a series of wars throughout his reign. How he came to be so autocratic and ruthless both personally and politically is the subject of this biographical drama.


Michel Berthier, cadre supérieur d'une entreprise de matelasserie, vient d'être licencié. Comme il n'ose pas avouer la vérité à Juliette, sa compagne, il s'endette pour maintenir le niveau de la famille qu'il couvre de cadeaux. Mais il ne peut bientôt plus mentir et il décide alors de quitter la maison. Après avoir perdu son argent, sa voiture et ses chaussures, il rencontre Toubib, Mimosa et Crayon, trois «Sans Domicile Fixe» qui font leur toilette dans les lavabos de la gare de l'Est. Ils le prennent sous leur aile et l'entraînent à aller cambrioler son ancienne entreprise afin de se munir de duvets et de lits


The film begins in a flashback from the titular character, Antoine. We are introduced to his fixation with female hairdressers which began at a young age. The film uses flashbacks throughout and there are frequent parallels drawn with the past. We are unsure what Antoine has done with his life, however we know he has fulfilled his childhood ambition, to marry a haidresser.
