Michelle Lawler

In a post-gender Hollywood she helped create, powerhouse agent Venus Allen is besieged by unexpected events and demanding visitors. Blinded by success and in danger of losing her soul, Venus gets help from an unlikely source, her delightfully spiritual “mother.”

When an overachieving college senior makes a wrong turn, her road trip becomes a life-changing fight for survival in rural Kentucky.


Mel learns how to take down the patriarchy and also the number one way to put women on top.


A portrait of a site and its multiple layers of existence, The Foundation takes place around Tom of Finland’s Foundation in Los Angeles, exploring the multiple layers, sub-communities, interpersonal relations, and erotic and artistic imaginaries that this site hosts, promotes, and projects.

Tomboy Morgan is tortured by the sudden death of her best friend Olivia. At her wake, Olivia mysteriously comes back to life, and the two escape on a reckless road trip that takes them past the boundaries of friendship and into a dark and uncertain future.


Valencia is a collaboration between a national community of queer filmmakers to adapt the underground classic memoir into a kaleidoscopic vision of San Francisco's Mission District in the early 90s during the rise of a punk lesbian diaspora told through the experiences of Michelle, a single rootless twenty-something searching for sex and love, drugs and adventure.


Wild Horses tells the story of Mills, an established LA photographer, who returns to her native Nevada following an urgent call from her grandmother informing her that a band of wild horses close to their hearts, faces government roundup. In this story, that spans just one day, cruelty, courage, love and memory collide as two generations of women bear witness to the brutality common to wild horse roundups in the American West. Mills is exposed to a complex issue and follows her heart, choosing to ignore the consequences.


How does it feel to have your gender identity included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders? Diagnosing Difference is a documentary featuring interviews with 13 diverse scholars, activists, and artists who identify on the trans spectrum (transgender, transsexual, genderqueer, and gender variant) about the impact and implications of the Gender Identity Disorder (GID) on their lives and communities.

Salomania reconstructs a dance: the ‘dance of the seven veils’ from Alla Nazimova’s 1923 silent film Salomé. Also shown and rehearsed are sections from ‘Valda’s Solo,’ which the choreographer and filmmaker Yvonne Rainer created after having seen Nazimova’s film.

The film tells the astounding life story of San Francisco living legend Vicki Marlane, America's oldest professional transgender drag entertainer. It explores the theme that creative expression is a transformative experience that allows one to overcome virtually insurmountable obstacles -- social, biological, economic and personal.


Restless schoolboys in class have daydreams that are sweet and romantic, hot and raunchy, and disturbingly violent.
