Mick Carney

A three day period of peace is decimated by the howling wind and the stinging rain of a senile and wizened Fergal Coen who foretells a bad omen that will plague Highfields; a foreboding and brooding force that can make Satan brown his undergarments. The inhabitants of Highfields dismiss Fergal's foretelling. Their ignorance comes at a cost.

Boyle steps down as Chief Highwayman and starts to pursue a life in riverside fishing and writing in seclusion and serenity. Upon writing his memoirs, he stumbles across a startling, dream like memory. To decipher it he is put through trials of struggle and trauma. Upon the brook, sinister lurks in the reeds.

Runt of the litter and underachiever Jayo “Pigeon” wants to prove his worth to his one horse town and to live up to his family name. Using his unorthodox and unattractive methods of boxing he battles many Goliaths; both in fights and inside him.

Twelve scouts supplied with only jammy dodgers and a strange brew are compacted into an Icelandic tent. Amongst them there comes a trail of deceit, power struggles, insanity and the whiff of an uprising.