Mick McCleery

Three part anthology with all the stories revolving around werewolves or zombies.

Every year in the United States there are 30,000 murders. In that same time there are 60,000 suicides. Wouldn't it be great if someone could get these people together?


Paul Matthews only wanted to record his new song. Instead he records a murder. Now, he's got two cops who won't leave him alone. The victim's best friend following him everywhere and his bandmates wondering just where the hell he is at. But for the killer, one murder is not enough. Paul and his tape will have to be erased.


In the tradition of Twilight Zone and Tales from the Darkside, Kevin Lindenmuth, Mick McLeery, and Santo Marotta have worked together to create Twisted Tales 2.

Undead serial killer Joel Winter launches a violent crusade against vampires.


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Vampires run amok in New York City.


Sci-fi anthology which shows us how aliens are living among us. The first story "Limited Vision" deals with a mysterious doctor named David Lodge who is on the lam. He catches a ride with a young man who becomes more and more suspicious of him. The second story entitled "Worm" shows us a homeless girl named Becky who meets a weird stranger named Sam who helps her to discover who, or what, she is.


Joel Winter is just your average Midwest kid until he meets a vampire in the forest. Over the years, Joel and the vampire Rachel become friends and he helps her feel by violently stabbing her and doing other nasty things. Rachel eventually leaves Joel and he must continue getting the fix of violence that he's used to. He also runs into his share of vampires along the way.


Horror anthology that takes on three stories. The first one entitled "Nothing But The Truth" deals with a compulsive liar and how his exaggerations get the better of him. Next is "The Shooting" about a man and how he is haunted by the spirit of his recently deceased abusive older brother. Finally, "Hungry Like A... Bat?" has a man who is trying to cope with being part human, part vampire, and part werewolf.


A series of skits by a four man comedy team dealing with such subjects as assassins, diaphragms, religion, and many more.

Two "Men in Black" wannabees (who are not wearing black) are on the look-out for ridding the planet of supernatural beings. After saving a crooked businessman in a warehouse, they are surprised by three pretty girls and a leather-jacketed boyfriend who are searching for a party. Evidently, they have unwittingly unleashed a kind of portal, endangering us all. Our heroes spend the night trying to survive, as one of the three women has been targeted as a "breeder." She has apparently been chosen for being pretty tough - after all, she does the equivalent of shrugging her shoulders after witnessing her businessman father getting horribly decapitated just inches away.


Ray and his friends have come up with a great prank. They are going to kidnap a fellow high school student and hide him in an underwater cave. All is fun until the student accidentally drowns. Ray becomes obsessed with keeping the death a secret but his friends become more worried by the minute and think that they should report the death to the police. Ray will do anything he can to prevent this from happening. The bonds of friendship begin to fray and the lines of trust become blurrier by the minute building to a tragic climax.


A mother's only son dies through the carelessness of 4 teenage girls. Unable to live with his death, she sets out for revenge! She and her daughter (played by real-life mother and daughter Scream Queens Terri Lewandowski and Christine Cavalier) begin murdering the girls one by one!