Mickey Daniels

Join all you favorites--Spanky, Buckwheat, Alfalfa, Darla, Butch, Froggy and more--in a jam-packed special covering more than twenty years and 200 episodes of Hal Roach's inimitable brand of childhood magic. This fascinating video offers insight into the Gang's personal lives, as rare footage follows each member's career through the joys and misfortunes that went along with being one of America's most beloved kids. See how the series began in 1922 and changed after the first all-talking release in 1929, why Shirley Temple and Mickey Rooney never made the Gang, a fifteenth anniversary reunion, and clips from their only feature.

The Little Rascals answer the call as volunteer firemen in "Hook and Ladder" with Dickie as "Chief", then get snubbed after saying "Hi Neighbor" to the new kid on the block, so they build their own fantastic fire engine. In the silent "Sundown Ltd.", the Gang learns the danger of playing in the railroad yards as thy duke it out with Toughy, their rival for Mary's affections, and manage to run their hand-made train right off of the tracks.

Stymie, Spanky and the Gang have to save Pete from the dog catcher's gas chamber in "The Pooch", while Spanky and Alfalfa headline the school pageant with a pair of midgets mistaken for children on "Arbor Day". In the 1923 silent "Derby Day", the Gang is selling hot dogs and lemonade outside the racetrack when Mickie hits upon an idea of holding their own race--between a mule, a horse, a cow, a doh, a goat and a bicycle.

The Gang goes on a camping trip as "Bear Shooters" in which Chubby greases Wheezer with Limburger, then puts on a floor show in a barn to try to sell a reluctant Froggy some lemonade in "Waldo's Last Stand". The silent "Dogs of War!" depicts the great battle of Kelly's tomato patch waged by "Stonewall" Jackie and "Private" Farina, then the Gang tries to get wok in the movies, driving director Harold Lloyd to distraction.

Wendy Ballantine's parents decide to retire from show biz so she can have a normal life. They are unwelcome in the small town until a storm lets the family show their stuff.


Li'l Abner becomes convinced that he is going to die within twenty-four hours, so agrees to marry two different girls: Daisy Mae (who has chased him for years) and Wendy Wilecat (who rescued him from an angry mob). It is all settled at the Sadie Hawkins Day race.


The gang puts on a musical show at a reunion for some of the former Gang kids.


A country bumpkin becomes a singing sensation on the radio.


Chester Beatty and Tessie Weeks have been engaged for 5 years and going together for 15 years before that. Chester is reluctant to burden Tessie with marriage because of his secret problem. He is a sleepwalker. When Tessie finally does rope Chester into marriage, he can't get time off from his boss of 26 years, Mr. Frisbee. To resolve the problem, Chester sets out to impress his boss by securing a big sales contract of glass eyes. He takes Tessie and follows the rich doll company owner Horace B. Stanton to a lakeside resort and befriends him. However, his sleep-walking makes him a prime suspect in a thievery/murder case.


Thelma volunteers Patsy as a subject for her friend who is in dental school and needs somebody to practice on.


Larry Poole, in prison on a false charge, promise an inmate that when he gets out he will look up and help out a family. The family turns out to be a young girl, Patsy Smith, and her elderly grandfather who need lots of help. This delays Larry from following his dream and going to Venice and becoming a gondolier. Instead he becomes a street singer and, while singing in the street, meets a pretty welfare worker, Susan Sprague. She takes a dim view of Patsy's welfare under the guardianship of Larry and her grandfather, and starts proceedings to have Patsy placed in an orphanage.


Meek Eddie Pink becomes manager of an amusement park beset by mobsters.


Young David Morton, heir to millions, has been over-zealously restrained from normal youthful activities by his two old-maid Aunts, Harriet and Agatha. In an outburst from his confinement, he meets lovely Gertrude, and promises to race her injured-brothers car in the Big Race. Between the gangsters trying to win the race by disabling him, and his bungling bodyguards trying to bring him home safely, David has a battle to win the race and Gertrude's heart.


A wild college student gets in fights, steals cars, is caught by the police and finally expelled from college. Later on, though, he comes to the aid of a kidnapped heiress.


David De Portola, an outstanding athlete with an abundant youthful exuberance, is raised by a wealthy American guardian. He learns that he is the heir to the throne of Translavia and is recalled to accept the Crown, which along with the freedom of the country is threatened by the impostor, Black Prince. During a forbidden outing on the town with his college sidekick, Mickey Daniels, who has been brought along to make a (unintended) bungling Major Domo, David meets the lovely Princess Carmencita who, unknown to David, is to be the wife of the new King. David rejects his crown when told he must marry a girl he doesn't know. Black Prince has no trouble detaining him until David learns that Princess Carmencita is the girl he must marry. Delighted with this prospect, he saves the country, Crown and Princess following a wild and humorous escape from his captors.


The Victorian wife of a mad baron waits years for a British soldier sent to Egypt.


A renegade reporter and a crazy young heiress meet on a bus heading for New York, and end up stuck with each other when the bus leaves them behind at one of the stops.


In this The Boy Friends series short, college students Mickey and Alabam stay at a city friend's place for what they tell him will be one night - though it stretches into several months.


Stars Jeanette MacDonald, Maurice Chevalier and Ken Maynard.

When Mickey accidentally knocks out a local boxing champ, he is forced to take the fighter's place in a bout.


Mickey and Grady are left behind when a new kid comes to town and all the girls fall for him.


College baseball player Mickey Daniels can't keep his mind on the game when he's got an eye for the ladies.


Two aspiring songwriters have a weird nightmare about the jungle.


The college aerial club is at the airfield to inaugurate a new glider. Alabam gets a lot of teasing for being a "land lizard," never wanting to fly. Mary takes him aside to boost his spirits and offers to take his photo if he'll sit on a glider parked nearby. Dave is ready to take the club's glider up, but Mickey hooks the wrong rope to his car and pulls Alabam into the air. He hasn't a clue what to do; below, Mickey and Dave try to shout instructions while the glider's owner gives chase. What goes up . . .


Zasu & Thelma go out with two idiots to a nightclub.


Gangsters kidnap the team's football coach in order to throw the game; Grady and Mickey try to win the game.


The boyfriends rush into action when the girlfriends think there's a burglar in the house.


Mickey overhears the gang rehearsing a play and thinks it's real.


An actress is rehearsing a death scene in her apartment, but her neighbors all think it's the real thing.


Widow Martha and widower Brandon plan to marry; their teenaged children do their slapstick best to interfere. One of "The Boy Friends" series.


The gang is out for a drive on a Sunday afternoon. When it starts to rain, they take shelter in an abandoned building. Unbeknownst to them, it is actually a gangster's hideout.


On the train trip home from school, all the kids except Dave talk about taking a vacation trip to Lake Arrowhead; Dave wants a summer job. Alabam suggests that his uncle might hire Dave at a department store. The uncle likes Dave's attitude and tells Alabam and Mickey they should work there too. Reluctantly, Alabam takes a sales assignment in ladies' accessories, where he's charming but clueless. Mickey, lazy and on the take, sees the store detective helping himself to a chocolate bar, so he wants that job. Dave learns the hard way that the customer is always right, Mickey puts the cuffs on the wrong customer, and Lake Arrowhead looks very far away.


Alabam is lovesick. He tells Mickey how he can't get close to the girl of his dreams; he's overheard by Dave, a smooth operator, who insists that Alabam leave everything to him. He contrives to have Alabam and Mickey wreck Alabam's car in the girl's front yard, then he arrives, posing as a doctor, asking the residents of the house if they'll let the injured boy come inside while the doctor examines him. Meanwhile, Mickey gets a look at the girl's cousin and feigns injury so that now both lads are in beds upstairs while Dave, the doctor, conjures foul-tasting treatments. The fly in the ointment is the girl's crusty uncle, who may stand between the lads and their true loves.


The boys boycott the girls when they insist that the boys wear tuxedos to a big dance.


The gang is participating in a program sponsored by the Golden Age Dramatic League. They present their own fractured version of Quo Vadis. Things go from bad to worse when the neighborhood tough kids disrupt the show. The pie fight is given a new twist by use of some slow motion sequences.


The kids from Our Gang have to attend a wedding, and they bring along their flea collection--which gets loose.


On Christmas Eve, the Gang copes with hardships, helps capture a gang of thieves, and learns that Santa Claus really exists for those who wish fervently enough.


An abused chimpanzee escapes from a zoo. On the run, he meets Farina, running away from home and his battling parents. The two become friends and inspire the rest of the gang to put on a show to make money from neighborhood kids. But the chimp has his own idea and runs off creating havoc all over town until chased down by the local cops.


A young man visiting Hollywood on family business gets into trouble when he sees a bank robbery in progress, and thinks it is a movie scene.


The Rascals take their homemade boat on a search for treasure and crash a movie set.


Adults have the Pike and Coney Island amusement parks, so the rascals put up their own rides in a large vacant lot. Mickey's got big plans for expansion when surveyors show up to begin work on a factory. The gang travels by donkey cart to the office of Henry Mills, President of Pan American Export Company, to protest. Henry, in his 60s, is still a boy at heart: he has his chauffeur stop the car so he can join a sandlot game. He bails on a meeting with his board of directors, going with the kids to the factory site where he stops the workers and helps our gang add more rides. The directors follow him, and they get put to work. Will they ever have their meeting?


The boys are showing off their dogs to each other when little rich girl Mary Kornman rides by in her pony-drawn cart. When the pony shies and runs away, Mickey comes to the rescue with his dog. In gratitude, Mary invites all the boys and their dogs to her party, much to the chagrin of her wealthy mother.


Shootin' Injuns is a 1925 short silent comedy film directed by Robert F. McGowan. It was the 38th Our Gang short subject released.


As a way to make peace between two feuding Scottish clans, one invites the other over for supper, but things don't turn out quite as expected.


The gang creates their own railroad after being chased from a local railyard, and competes with toughie.


This Our Gang short has the group playing pirates and building a ship to sail in. Once the ship hits water it sinks but they end up on another boat when the dog unties the rope and the kids head off to sea where they must be rescued by the Navy.


The kids pretend to be hunting a variety of animals when they're invited to a farm where they try to capture real game. This gets boring after a while so they decide to try and track a bear. Soon the bear is stalking them!


A young boy, determined to make money enough to buy his mother a birthday present, finds a variety of odd jobs and finally starts up a makeshift circus.


In this short the kids are managing their own barber shop, with harrowing results. No one gets hurt, but most of the customers wind up bald or close to it: one kid even gets a prematurely fashionable Mohawk! Scenes involving close calls with sharp scissors might make some viewers wince, while the manicurist uses a device that looks like a wire-cutter.


Jimmy Jump is a coward. Everyone and everything makes him afraid. He cowers from the neighborhood children, even though he's old enough to be their father. He is terrified of Lem Tucker, who is his rival for the heart of Dorothy. Only when he mistakenly believes he is about to die does Jimmy find courage. But will it last?


Harold Meadows is a shy, stuttering bachelor working in a tailor shop, who is writing a guide book for other bashful young men, "The Secret of Making Love." Fate has him meet rich girl, Mary, and they fall in love. But she is about to wed an already married man, so our hero embarks upon a hair-raising daredevil ride to prevent the wedding.


Mickey and Jackie feud over Mary, so Sammy schedules a championship bout between the two rivals.


When a store clerk organizes a contest to climb the outside of a tall building, circumstances force him to make the perilous climb himself.


The gang wages war using old vegetables as munitions. Later, they ruin a movie in progress when they double-expose the film.


An unethical merchant moves into town and steals customers from the widowed owner of an established store; the gang steps in to help.


The Golf Bug,1922, directed by James D. Davis, starring James "Paul" Parrott and Jobyna Ralston, is a short silent comedy film.


A Lord's fiancée poses as a gypsy and falls in love with the new minister.

Mrs. Pennington Van Renssalaer, a publicity-minded society matron, sponsors a children's outing, much to her and her chauffeur's eventual regret.
