Miina Turunen

The career of Tuomas’ in the music industry is in a downhill spiral – but his plans of getting married with Leila are in full swing. Niklas and Antti decide to throw Tuomas the bachelor party of all times – but things don’t always turn out as planned – and the dudes end up in the funeral service of their old classmate.


Urho Kaleva Kekkonen, the long-time president of the Republic of Finland, is scheduled to visit Alli’s Bar on his way to northern Finland. He is blindly worshiped and the nearer the visit draws, the more envy, competition and dirty tricks come to bear in this small town setting. No one is spared the brutality!


26-year old Satu is a high profile press officer at a leading mobile phone giant. When her former co-worker at the daily press disappears mysteriously, she fears a connection between the launch of a new mobile and a secret report how already shipped phones cause brain cancer...
