Mike Bartlett

Mike Bartlett's play Albion, directed for the stage by Rupert Goold, is a tragicomic drama about national identity, family, passion and the disappointment of personal dreams. Filmed at London’s Almeida Theatre, the play is set in the garden of an English country house. The house has been bought by successful businesswoman Audrey Walters, who intends to restore the ruined garden to its former glory and create a memorial to the son she recently lost in a foreign war.

Set in a house in Manchester, England, UK, divided into four flats.Gail, Belle, David, and Hannah all encounter new and disruptive influences in their lives, kicking off interweaving stories


After badly bungling a pitch meeting, middle manager Thomas Benson is determined to win back the client but feels undermined by his team. Is someone really out to get him? And can Bartlett create the same paranoid intensity from workplace bullying as he did with a betrayal in the home?


The lives of the editors and journalists working at a left-leaning broadsheet and a populist tabloid.


A three-part drama set in the trauma unit of a London hospital, a grieving father blames a high-achieving trauma consultant for the death of his teenage son.


Prince Charles' accession to the throne following the Queen's death. When he refuses to sign a controversial bill into law, political chaos ensues: a constitutional crisis, rioting on the streets and a tank in front of Buckingham Palace.


Last week, Andrew was that guy with his girl lunching in KFC, discussing apartments and making plans for the future. Today he’s in Moscow, in an undisclosed hotel room, on the run and at risk of assassination. Last week, a nobody. This week, America’s Most Wanted: a man who humiliated his country with one touch of a button.

Last week, Andrew was that guy with his girl lunching in KFC, discussing apartments and making plans for the future. Today he’s in Moscow, in an undisclosed hotel room, on the run and at risk of assassination. Last week, a nobody. This week, America’s Most Wanted: a man who humiliated his country with one touch of a button. Mike Bartlett’s darkly comic new play explores the unexpected, bewildering, and life-changing consequences of challenging the status quo at a global level. As the State grows more powerful because of technology, and technology grows more powerful because of the State, where do the self-appointed protectors of the rights of the citizen stand? Heroes? Or traitors?

Last week, Andrew was that guy with his girl lunching in KFC, discussing apartments and making plans for the future. Today he's in Moscow, in an undisclosed hotel room, on the run and at risk of assassination.


Following a family tragedy, 30-year-old Mark Nicholas returns to the town where he grew up. After ten years away, coming home is harder than Mark could ever have imagined.
