Mike McCutchen

When Alita awakens with no memory of who she is in a future world she does not recognize, she is taken in by Ido, a compassionate doctor who realizes that somewhere in this abandoned cyborg shell is the heart and soul of a young woman with an extraordinary past.


After the city's deadliest serial killer breaks out of jail, the aging Texas Ranger that put him away comes out of retirement to stop the monster's rampage, this time for good. Violence and hilarity ensue as the city is thrown into chaos.


After Woody goes missing while working on secret alien research, scientist Maggie Wittington must recruit the former members of Lazer Team to join her in rescuing their lost friend.


Some of Sin City's most hard-boiled citizens cross paths with a few of its more reviled inhabitants.


Ex-Federale agent Machete is recruited by the President of the United States for a mission which would be impossible for any mortal man – he must take down a madman revolutionary and an eccentric billionaire arms dealer who has hatched a plan to spread war and anarchy across the planet.
