Mike Merrill

A first-generation college student who graduated at the top of her class from Howard University, twenty-five year-old Mahogany Rose is an ambitious, intelligent, funny, beautiful black woman who prides herself on being the best and excelling at everything - except love.


The Britton family faces high tensions with the newly arrived Johnsons in the upscale Black town of Sag Harbor, NY.


Two couples discover they may not be have found "the one" after all, and whether they're ready to admit it or not, their friends will give them the push they need to find true love.

Adult siblings Chris, Todd, and Cydney Wesley travel to their childhood home to celebrate Christmas with their parents and the entire Wesley family. With everyone together and all their physical and emotional baggage in tow, the annual Wesley family holiday promises to be a festive, hot-mess of a Christmas with life-changing impacts on the whole family.

Delrhonda "Big Fifty Hood ends up running her own drug empire, becoming one of Detroit's wealthiest and notorious women in the process. With her success, she discovers that money doesn't fix all of her problems, and she can only depend on herself if she wants to stay one step ahead of the law and stay alive.

Dylan Foster is a successful businessman who has his life all figured out until a series of events transpires in a matter of days causing his life to change.

Layla's the co-host of a morning show alongside her charming, but sometimes irritating, colleague Derek. Their lives are turned upside down when they're given a baby to take care of together, learning more about each other in the process.


A widower from Bankhead, Russell Savage, is diligently running to become the youngest Mayor in the history of Atlanta. His opponent is August King, the man who has raised Russell and his brother as his own since they were kids. But when the beautiful Avery Long joins the campaign, Russell finds himself fighting to sustain everything he's worked for including his campaign for Mayor, and his life.
