Mike Muir

Documentary that gives a voice to the percentage of youth that were outcasts/non-conformists in the 90's. Interviews many famous musicians and other celebrity personalities, who talk about their being outcasts as youths, in school etc., leading up to their successes in adult life, and how being an outcast/non-conformist played a role in their artistic expression.. Also touches upon the topic of teen suicide & depression.


Pantera's first home video release. It contains behind the scenes footage of the band partying as well as music videos and live performances.


Explore the art of rebellion in Suicidal Tendencies: Lights, Camera, Revolution, which intersperses taped live performances with interview clips, backstage glimpses, and road antics. Songs on the video include "War Inside My Head," "Possessed to Skate," and "Trip at the Brain." This video was meant to accompany the album Lights, Camera, Revolution, but the song list differs slightly.

Mike Muir and Jack Nance star in this seminal piece of music history.
