Mikhail Basmadjian

An anxious woman struggles to cope in isolation as a pandemic sweeps the world, forcing her to confront the monsters in her head.

Three Israeli teens decide to build a raft and sail to the championship final in Cyprus. During their journey, their friendship will be put to the test as they will get a taste of first love and discover traits and skills in themselves that they didn't know existed. The innocent adventure evolves into a coming of age journey they will never forget.

In a secluded cove in Malta, a beautiful young woman tries to drown herself. Her name is Ellen, a night club employee who just days before trying to end her life was drifting through each day uneventfully, spending most of her time at work and with her hard-partying boyfriend and lovable, yet incompetent roommates. But when Ellen meets Amy and Carrie, everything changes…all of their lives spin out of control thanks to one drug-fuelled night of partying and Amy’s overdose. Unfortunately, for Ellen and her friends Amy’s father is as vengeful as he is doting and will stop at nothing to make them pay, including murder.


How the citizens of Malta fought for independence from Britain in 1919. When the Army was sent to quell the riots and the British government covered up the bloody encounter, more than 100 Maltese were accused of instigating the violence and jailed.