Mikhail Evlanov

Igor Grom is a skilled policeman from St. Petersburg, known for his daring nature and uncompromising attitude towards the criminals of all kinds. Incredible strength, analytical mind and integrity – these qualities make Major Grom the perfect policeman. Working tirelessly, he always pushes through, and meets the challenges standing in the way.

Even after returning to your home, you are not immune from speculation, condemnation and reprisals.

Everyone wants to live it up; Ivan, an engineer in a provincial factory, is no exception. He has to resort to some tricks to receive his honest pay and touch that beautiful life.

1936 Lubyakino; A perpetual motion generator has been invented but with one important catch: it only works when a true communist looks at it. Vasiliev does this job well and without fault, but when a committee from Moscow arrive in search of 'enemies of the people', Vasiliev's resolve will be tested to the limit.

Kira's main heroine has an accident. Kira's father, a boxing coach, acts contrary to circumstances and sincerely believes that the simulator he created will help her daughter recover. It is during this difficult period of life that Andrei comes to the gym to train. Together with this bright feeling of love, hope and events come to the girl’s life that no one expected. The main battle for each character is still ahead. Only an irrepressible desire to live and love can lead heroes to victory, through mistakes and revelations inherent in youth.

In the center of the plot are modern heroes who have taken the path of fighting crime. This drama played out against the backdrop of the terrorist attack. Graduates of the 11 “A” class meet again with their school teacher, but now they are forced to move from theory to practice and save not only their lives, but also the lives of other people.


She is absolutely sure she wants a divorce! He doesn’t agree, but doesn’t dare contradict. So they go for a divorce. They’d go to the end, if they weren’t stopped by a ridiculous incident... Why do people part? Where do feeling go in a stream of offences and claims? The film is a reflection about partings and relationships, where there is no good and bad, but people don’t hear each other, even though they are close.

When eighteen-year-old Pasha rescues a beautiful young woman from a band of strangely powerful attackers, he discovers an underworld of supernatural beings living among us.


During WWII a Soviet artillery unit is fighting Nazis while trying to do everything to save lives of a group of deaf children near their position.


Eleven comedic vignettes featuring conversations – some important, some less so – held in restaurants over coffee and cigarettes (how quickly time flies – cigarettes are banned in Russia’s restaurants now). The conversations are candid, and even veer into the territory of murder. In the final credits, the director apologizes to Jim Jarmusch, whose work (in the anthology Coffee and Cigarettes, which Jarmusch shot in pieces over many years) Oldenburg-Svintsov is clearly indebted to. Sex, Coffee, Cigarettes’s kinship with Jarmusch’s film extends to the fact that superstars play tiny roles in almost all of the vignettes.


The world is going absolutely crazy when the giant meteor is approaching Earth...


In life of a talented copywriter Alex there comes a black strip. Everything he undertakes, comes to an end with a total failure, even the most good intentions turn into an accident. Only his best friend Dima and a dog Snoopy are nearby. Rescue comes unexpectedly: the real miracle laptop, by means of which even the most cherished dreams can become reality falls into Alex's hands: expensive cars, magnificent house, money... But his main goal is - to get a job in the prestigious advertising agency and to deserve love of a cover-girl Mary who is going about with Fyodor, the deputy head of advertising agency. The power and money spoil Alex, but passing through many adventures he understands that even the finest and magic device won't be able to supply love, friendship and real life.


On 8th October 1941, Stalin issued a secret order forming a female aviation unit.


The story of Kasym Kaysenov, a Kazakh whom became a hero of the Soviet Union whilst fighting against the invading German army during World War Two .

Western frontiers of the USSR, 1942. The region is under German occupation. A man is wrongly accused of collaboration. Desperate to save his dignity, he faces an impossible moral choice.


Lisa, a beautiful young Russian woman, is married to Victor, a Portuguese. Fernanda, the Spanish ex-wife of Victor, taking advantage of the coming wave of illegal immigrants in Portugal, wants to do business with false passports. Since then, and to Lisa's desperation, her home becomes a halfway house for immigrants of various nationalities and different races, all in search of a better future. Among them is Andrei, a young Ukrainian orthopedist who is wanted by the Russian mafia. Andrei falls in love with Lisa, who sees in him the opportunity to get out of that life. But things are not simple.


Rita's daughter is sick with leukemia. In order to obtain the money for a bone marrow transplant, she travels from Ukraine to Russia to become a surrogate mother. The homosexual couple who are the biological parents of the child die in an automobile accident. Rita is left six month pregnant, without any money, and with a dying daughter to care for. In order to save her daughter, Rita is prepared to do anything. She's drawn into the criminal world, from which she escapes with her daughter to Jordan in the Near East, where Bedouins treat cancer by means of nontraditional medicines.


Kostya is 23. He is an underground railway driver’s assistant. One day the doctor says that Kostya has the heart disease: he can die any moment… Kostya decides not to tell anybody about his disease. He tries to live the same way as he lived before his illness was diagnosed. But he keeps thinking about the meaning of life.


Пассажиры вечернего рейса пристегнули ремни и приготовились к взлету.Но полет отложили до утра. Пассажиры отстегнули ремни и вышли из аэропорта. Под светом фонаря поблескивали капли косого дождя. В луже отразились два женских силуэта. Две женщины, две случайные попутчицы отправились в путешествие длиной в московскую ночь…Они меняют машины и настроение, мчатся по кольцевым и бульварам, смеются и плачут. Кажется, они могут позволить себе все в эту странную ночь, словно выпавшую из реальной жизни. Они могут все: страдать, любить, ненавидеть. Они не могут только одного — разойтись. Ими движет одна идея, одна мысль, одна страсть, и имя ее МУЖЧИНА.


Is secret cooperation with the government a respectable thing?.. This is the question Nikolay should answer for himself.


Maxim Kammerer fights for his love and freedom. He leads a rebel movement challenging the five greedy rulers. One of the rulers, Strannik, knows how dangerous Maxim can be. He makes up his mind to stop the young man at any cost. The last close fight will decide everything.


Young Alisa is fed up with her life in Moscow, and moves to St. Petersburg. Her roommates in the collective flat are two junkies, Vel and her boyfriend Valera the Dead Man. First they fight, but soon the two women form a friendship. Together they even go after the Petersburg underworld when Dead Man is abducted because he can't pay his debts.


A story of love between a young soldier Sergey and a fellow officer Anna.


Based on Valentin Rasputin's story of the same title. The winter of 1945. In a village on the Angara embankment the women wait the return of their husbands from the front. The young soldier Andrei Guskov, who fled from the hospital, returns as a deserter. In his remote winter hut only his wife Nastena visits him : she is the only person whom he can trust with his life - of an eternal fugitive doomed to loneliness. Only she loves him. She lives in the present, remembers the past and does not believe in the future. She will have a child, and to the entire village she is an unfaithful wife who did not wait for her husband to return...


On the threshold of 22nd century, furrowing the space, protagonist from the Free Search Group makes emergency landing on an unknown planet where he must stay. People who are living on this planet have remained at the stone level of the 20th century, with its social problems, miserable ecology and shaky world..


The employees of a radio station in Moscow are forced to organize the elections campaign for a future governor in one of Russia districts.


The picture opens in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, in late 1988, when military trainees Petrovsky, Ryaba, Chugun, Stas, Pinochet, Lyutev and Vorobyev are whipped into shape at a training camp by the brutal, sadistic commander, Warrant Officer Dygalo - prior to being sent off to the front lines. After several one-by-one dalliances with the local whore, Snow White, and a cautionary lecture on the history, geography and culture of Afghanistan (which most of the men sleep through), the trainees head off to battle - first to the Bagram air base, then to the Afghani province of Khost to secure supply lines. But nothing can begin to prepare them for the brutal devastation into which they are plunged, or the relentless tide of slaughter that scatters thousands of Soviet victims in its wake.


It is August 1941. With the battle line far away in the east, three soldiers who have managed to escape from captivity find it difficult to hide: the territory is occupied by the enemy. The local woods are not safe: you can easily get embogged. Are the villagers loyal? Nobody can say. There is an old man who offers to help them. Is he reliable enough? He may kill them or report them to the local German authorities. Anything may happen, but one of them, the sniper, is his son who is his youngest, his dearest.


The story of four friends, former fellow soldiers from Afghanistan, who meet on the eve of Victory Day to see off a comrade on his last journey.
