Mikhail Golubovich

1971, Odessa Film Studio. The KGB studio curator orders a re-edit of just finished movie about the events of Ukraine’s 1920s "civil war" of a young director in line with the Party’s view on the historical events. This re-editing work is entrusted to a young female editor, which consequently realizes she must protect the director’s vision and the safe-guard the truth about her country under Soviet occupation.


A screen adaptation of the famous work of N. Gogol with creative processing of the original text in the style of Ukrainization. The film shows the flavor of the Cossack era, reveals the psychological traits of the Cossacks. A budgetary answer to Bortko's film.

Ukrainian film adaptation of the famous work by Nikolai Gogol.

'A Prayer for Hetman Mazepa' unfolds during an interesting era in the history of Eastern Europe when Russia, under Peter the Great, and Sweden, under King Charles XII, struggled for power; the Ukraine was the pawn in the middle. In 1709, Ivan Mazepa, Hetman of Ukraine, which was part of the Russian Empire, signed a pact with the Swedish king promising to support Sweden in its war against Russia provided that the Ukraine was given its independence.


The series consists of ten films based on love and erotic works of Ukrainian literature from the middle of the 19th century to the present day. The films explore love as a multidimensional phenomenon. This is a kind of retrospective slice of the history of society, culture, and art. There are changes in the attitude towards a woman, mother, lover.

The beginning of the XVII century. Events taking place at a time preceding the liberation struggle led by Bohdan Khmelnytsky. A young boy Pavlo Pokhilenko leaves his native Kaniv to join Zaporizhian Sich to fight for freedom and the Orthodox faith.


The films hero is a metal worker named Ignat who is as strong and tough as the steel that his sprawling factory produces in the Ural Mountains. Its a great cheerless environment; life is arduous and dangerous; conditions at the plant are nearly subhuman. The only excitement in the grimy industrial town is provided by robbing a train at gunpoint or stealing sheep from the Bashkiri tribe. The most renowned diversion, however, is the annual fist fight between the strongest metal worker and the strongest miner from the region. Against his better judgment, but with the support of his co-workers, Ignat decides to take part in this perilous venture.


The love story of the NKVD lieutenant and the connected UPA (Ukrainian Insurgent Army) on the eve of the end of World War II is a conflict of love and duty. There is a third hero in this story - this is an indifferent employee of the NKVD. For many years, he completely voluntarily helps the OUN-UPA, and waits for who will eventually become the winner, to whom, in the end, he will devote the rest of his life ...


Andrei is the head of a gang of antisemitic skinheads clinging to the old communist ideals in post-Communist Moscow. When he learns that his long lost father actually is a Jewish bohemian living in Moscow, rather than an Afghanistan war hero, he traces him down in order to kill him. But the intriguing father and his "reactionary" lifstyle soon fascinates Andrei which leads to a clash with his gang.


Comedy about the life of Jews in Ukraine.

Ukraine. The end of the XV century. All gunpowder made in factories suddenly disappears. The company of cossacks led by Maksim Trituz comes together to find one of the transports that carries gunpowder to the Zaporizhian Sich.

The story of the dramatic life of folk artist Kateryna Bilokur, who sacrificed the love for her calling.

The saleswoman of the village store Pasha Nikitina generously distributed all the money from the proceeds to the villagers in debt, when they were left without a salary through the fault of the Chairman. The audit appeared suddenly — and Pasha began to demand money back. Not having received debts, the heroine turned for help to her brother, who immediately responded to her misfortune: he sent money and came himself…


Moscow outskirts, spring 1956. In memory and soul of the sixteen-year-old hero of the movie, the son of the political prisoner, this time will remain forever. He meets and loses his first love, encounters with blunt brutality of the criminal world, to bid farewell to childhood, to regain his father...

Vasyl Vilgota raised two sons. One of them died on the fronts of the Second World War, defending the homeland, and the second served as Hilfspolizei. Vilgota himself also helped the Nazis. Although he carefully hides this fact of his biography, there is one man who knows the truth about him.


World War II scattered the Carpathian peasant family of Yaroslava Petrin. She is a dedicated communist, and her husband, son and daughter support OUN-UPA.


The film is set during World War II. After capturing the "trophy" Mercedes, a group of scouts, disguised as German officers commits a daring raid behind enemy lines (the 116th Motorized Division) on roads controlled by the enemy.


A life of a driver Stephan Chekmenev turns out to be very lucky: healthy children, loving wife, solid loghouse. But once his fellow-villager perishes in a forest. And Chekmenev, considering himself to be the one to blame, in expectation of an imminent retribution, tries to understand: why and when did he, once having so many friends, become so indifferent towards other peoples lives.


Based on one of Turgenev's Hunter's Sketches: the Lone Wolf of the title is a forest caretaker for a flippant aristocrat. Though he lives in absolute misery in a hut deep in the woods with two small children to take care of, he's feared for his merciless stalking of the starving serfs who sneak in to cut firewood.


The history of the serf peasant forester Thomas. For the sullen and unsociable character, people called him Biryuk. Selflessly devoted to the forest, understanding and protecting each tree, Thomas dies humbly and absurdly from the stranger’s bullet.


Beginning in 1943. year. The tragic story of the prisoners... partisans and others who were found in a prison in Montenegro at the time when the Chetniks and the occupiers at all costs they want to crush the uprising in Yugoslavia.


A Red Army officer Polevoy possesses a navy dirk with a secret message encrypted in its handle. The second part of a message belongs to a White army officer Nikitskiy. It's up to three young friends of Polevoy to uncover the mystery.


Folk comedy that tells the adventures of Ukrainian cossacks Vasil and Andrij as they set out on a long journey to deliver a letter from their leader to the Russian empress in St. Petersburg.


This ideologically charged film as a typical sample of Soviet version of history portrays the events in Ukraine in 1921 after the defeat of Ukrainian liberation struggle and the occupation of the country by invading Bolshevik hordes. The Bolsheviks are good guys and Ukrainian rebels refusing to submit to a new, this time Soviet, slavery are portrayed as bandits and brigands fighting against their own people.
