Mikhail Ignatov

Anna is a lonely divorced woman. Maria also has no husband, but has two children. Raising two children without a husband, Mary is unhappy. She loves Nicholas. But he is married and cannot stay with her forever because of a sick daughter. After a long absence, Nikolai, unaware that Mary had died, leaves his wife. But she meets an unfamiliar woman in her house - her friend Anna, who is raising her children, and decides to stay with her ...


Ivan is a simple, good-hearted man who wakes up in his apartment and notices a mare named Kasia just outside his window. Being a kind soul, he keeps her and takes her around the city. What is that mare capable of, and where do you find a shelter for her? Kasia becomes a problem for Ivan and the subject of all kinds of speculation. But unlike everyday problems, you can easily get rid of it by letting go of the reins.

The ancient northern monastery has a guide Tatyana. Two former classmates seek her favors: medical student Ivan and young businessman Yves (that is, also Ivan). As a result of a fall from a balloon, the girl is in a coma. Only Ivan Voronov can deduce from this state if he is near. He decides to help his beloved by entering into intimacy with her. The nurse who discovered them reports to the police. Ivan was arrested as a "maniac", and the life of TANI is under threat again ... "


A Russian made-for-TV film about a guard dog named Ruslan. Literal title translation: Faithful Ruslan (History of guard dogs)


История любви бывшего «афганца» к красивой, нежной и беспредельно искренней Оле.

He did not understand how he got to this strange planet. You need to choose, because it turned out that there is also a certain alien, who in the same time appeared on Earth. But the peculiarity of the situation lies in the fact that between these characters really surprising similarities, which will become the reason for the emergence of a whole series of all sorts of oddities. It is not known whether they can return to their seats, because none of the participants in these events is not how it all happened. And viewers will get a whole lot of emotions and experiences, because to watch it all from the really interesting, as the arisen situation can hardly be called a typical and familiar to modern movies.


The film is set during World War II. After capturing the "trophy" Mercedes, a group of scouts, disguised as German officers commits a daring raid behind enemy lines (the 116th Motorized Division) on roads controlled by the enemy.
