Mikhail Kokshenov

A funny comedy about the unemployed actor Pirozhkov who desperately tries to find the treasure hidden by Tsar's family.


A little girl got lost in a dense forest by accident, where she was found by Baba Yaga. She, along with other fairy-tale characters - Kikimora, Leschyi, Koschei the Deathless and Vodyanoy - decides to adopt the girl, giving her the name of Babka Ezhka. That's how the incredible adventures of Babka Ezhka and her friends begin.


Компания аферистов создаёт школу нянечек и педагогов по оказанию "воспитательных" услуг населению. Сотрудниками фирмы становятся исключительно бомжи с площади трёх вокзалов, находящиеся в подчинении у бригадира Горыныча (Алексей Булдаков). Народ подобрался весьма разношёрстный, и под каждого сочиняется благопристойная легенда с рекомендациями. Таким образом, мошенники не только надували доверчивых граждан, клюнувших на рекламное объявление, но и вполне реально решали проблему бездомных предоставляя им питание и крышу над головой, а что из этого вышло смотрите сами...


Levchik, the owner of an Internet cafe, got into jail for financial fraud. His cellmates - the authority Zhuk and the repeat offender Kolyan quickly realized that Levchik had considerable grandmothers left in the wild. But they could not know that the criminally acquired money was pocketed by Levchik’s native aunt, the healer Maria Immaculate.

Кто из нас не застревал в лифте? Так и случилось с Евгением, который не доехал до этажа своей любовницы какого-то метра. Вызванные спасательная служба, пожарные расчёты, машина скорой помощи, милиция и соседи не могут починить лифт. Неожиданное спасение горе-любовника, захмелевшего от припасённого коньяка и шампанского, приходит в лице мужа героини.


В день Святого Валентина — праздник всех влюбленных, `примерный` муж, проводив жену в командировку, решает отдохнуть от семейной жизни в обществе длинноногой красавицы и приглашает ее к себе домой. Но в самый разгар любовной идиллии неожиданно возвращается жена…

Succumbing to the persuasion of a friend, Natalia takes a private agent with the goal of obtaining compromising material at all costs, exposing the love affairs of her faithful husband Alexander, who is going on vacation to warm countries. But embarrassment happens: the client’s photo is lost, and the real Casanova appears in the agent’s field of vision.


The story starts in a Siberia where world's biggest diamond was found. It is so valuable that it may not only pay off the enormous national debt, but also allow every Russian citizen to move to the Canary Islands. However, Mafia plans to steal the massive gem but a notorious thief, Vasia, ruins their plans. Mafia and militia begin chasing him, but soon Vasia learns that he has brothers as between the chase he runs into well known Jewish conductor and a gypsy baron who are triplet brothers.


The enterprising Ivan decides to organize a tour in America of the famous Russian psychic Yuri Koshmarovsky and earn some “green” money. However, just before the flight, it was discovered that the maestro was in the hospital. Well, do not cancel the same performance because of such a trifle! Fortunately, Aunt Katya escorted Ivan to her airport with her husband Petya, who, as it turned out, was almost a double of Koshmarovsky ...


Dangerous repeat offenders Cabinet and Corkscrew arrive in Dagomys with the aim of abducting the president of the group, LJZh Zuev R.P. The head of the criminal investigation department, Major Sidorov Ivan, is preparing to meet the guest performers with dignity.


When mysterious Russian bandit named Artist came in USA, brave Russian special agent Fyodor Sokolov runs to States for defeat evil master.


An old tamer uncle Vasya with an old bear Gosha and their friends manage "Russian safari" for strangers where the bear must stay alive.


The Chernomorsk city is preparing to hold a holiday of laughter. Come here popular actors of theatre and cinema. Local cultural activist Alex Muromtsev brings guests into a luxurious country house that was once the dacha of Stalin, and has no idea that Stalin was already waiting in the chambers…


Story of life of Fyodor Kuzkin, who shared all the burdens of the 30s Stalins terror and after, WW2 and post-war years.


The first private enterprises are started in the Soviet Union in the late 80s. A gang of bad guys, owners of a private restroom, kidnap a good guy - owner of a toy store. Private eye Dmitri's first job is to try and free the store owner.


The film is about a movie actress who has arrived to conquer Moscow from a distant village. Started career doesn't add up. To the bad luck in the profession added disorder of personal life. Trying to do away with the unfortunate past, the heroine decides to return to her village. Keeping charm and vitality, she follows her own desires. As a result, her intentions are truly rewarded...


Forty-year-old researcher Pavel is still single. And not because he likes to be free and unmarried, but because he is very indecisive - he does not know how to meet girls. Pavel’s parents are sounding the alarm - they really want to give their son "in good hands" and see their grandchildren. But he doesn’t like those girls whom Pavel’s mother is wooing. And then one day a master takes over - a cheerful, battered and excessively sociable brother of Pavel — Gennady. He has in his arsenal one effective way to get acquainted with any girl he likes, to interest her in his persona. Gennady is getting into a rage so much that he almost gets married, forgetting about the watchful wife, who always stands guard over their long marriage...


“Without the Sun” is the first name that Gorky himself gave to his play and which most closely matches its essence. For this work is not about the "day" and its people, but about the indestructible, passionate desire of people from darkness to light, to the sun. "


Five best friends have only one problem to deal with: where to get something to drink...


The story is about Goddess that became as legendary as the sex symbol of Soviet Union.


A funny comedy about a very adventurous day in a life of Stepan Molodtsov - a very responsible youn man.


Nadya Klyueva is a single woman. Persuaded by her friend, she decides to charm her co-worker whom she doesn't really love, but who is the most popular man around.


A new boy impressed everybody by his knowledge during the history lesson but this impression didn't last long.


Feature film.


A story of two police detectives who're preparing for a complicate operation - arresting of a criminal leader.


Vitya Glushakov is a perfect high school student. He even writes a novel about the Apache tribe. But suddenly he becomes friend with the old drinking man Arkady.


A funny story about Fyodor - the oldest person in the village - and his three sons.


Adventurous comedy about a bunch of people hunting the winning lottery ticket.


The film is based on Sergei Narovchatov’s poem. Vassily Buslayev is an epic Russian hero who rose to defend the freedom and independence of his people. The strength and power of this son of a Novgorod governor, his friendship with simple folk enraged and scared the rich, fat merchants of the city. When they learned that the young man was setting out on a march to save his native land from the enemy, they couldn’t be more happy: how could he defeat a foe so mighty! But Vassily overcomes all intrigues and brings his expedition to a victorious end. He returns home a hero, and not alone but with a sweetheart. When a threat of enemy invasion again looms over Novgorod, people come and beg Vassily to defend their native land.


May of 1945. Soviet soldiers conducting an operation to rescue the children in a small town in the territory of Germany.


The action-packed historical and revolutionary film about the struggle of the VCHK with the international conspiracy against the Soviet government in Russia in the beginning 20s. On the activities of Dzerzhinsky, chairman of the VCHK, People's Commissar of Internal Affairs and at the same time Commissar of Railways. About the work on resuscitation of a collapsed industry, army, railways, to which the Iron Felix attracts (some by threats, some by persuasion) pre-revolutionary intellectuals.


A final episode in the trilogy about the Russian partisan's resistance during WWII. The film is set in 1944, when Russian partisans are making progress in their fighting against the Nazi occupation of Russia, Poland and Czechoslovakia. Lt. Colonel Mlynsky is now in charge of an international clandestine operation. He is the commander of the special group of partisan-fighters. Mlynsky is organizing the Russian, Polish and Czechoslovakian partisans to join forces for an attack behind the enemy lines.


The characters of the movie — the plunderers of public wealth, the corrupt and the scammers are taking guests on a fishing trip Barber for auditor. The naive simpleton who refused bribes turned out to be a mystery for crooks more complicated than his keychain with a secret…


In March 1946, Andrei Bologov, a graduate of the Leningrad Party School, arrived in one of the western regions of the country to build a peaceful life on earth, where unfinished fascist gangs continued to rage. Andrei was given the task of organizing the removal of harvested wood from distant plots, but barely left the claws of the "forest brothers" of Krakowski. The trainee from the party school and the local chairman of the village council, together with the residents, had to fight one of the many fascist detachments, consisting of traitors, deserters and ideological fighters against the Soviet regime ...

The film tells about two days in the life of a modest, a little eccentric tuner of musical instruments.


A funny comedy about a group of inspectors preparing to build a labyrinth in a small town.


On the way to Partisans camp Sgt. Tsybulya suddenly lands in the middle of German troops. Now he must find a way to return to the Red Army.


A boy in Russia, circa 1900, makes a daunting trip from his home village to a school in the city.


A third of a series of movies about Kovpak - the partisans chief during WWII.


Action film about the Russian paratroopers.


Kolya Kasatkin, who saw in his wife Tanyusha the ideal of female charm, tenderness, kindness, who loved her to the point of oblivion, was at a loss before the idle conversations of well-wishers about his wife's betrayal. Having found his wife with the choir director, Nikolai demanded a divorce. Continuing to love each other, the former spouses are unhappy in separation. Kasatkin's new hasty marriage did not return his peace of mind. In daily agony, in the pursuit of a past life, he also lost his old dream — to live and work in the Far East, where he served in the army. Both realized too late that love does not forgive hasty decisions, that it must be able to keep and protect.


Mary and Ivan are working on a diamond factory. The wedding day is already set. But Ivan has a secret: during his stay in prison, the leader of the gang gave him a bag of diamonds for safekeeping. Return the "stones" factory — means to Express itself as a partner in crime, throw — sorry, but left for Mary — to destroy love. Soon the "friend" made itself felt and demanded to repay the debt…


Peter the Great takes a Russian man of African heritage - Ibrahim Petrovich Hannibal - under his wing as the tsar builds his grand navy. After having a disastrous affair in France, Ibrahim vows to never fall in love again, until he sees the daughter of a wealthy boyar. Peter the Great insists the two be married, but Ibrahim goes against the tsar's wishes, refusing to force her to marry him since she doesn't consent. When another man tries to marry her, however, Ibrahim's loyalties and generous nature are put to the test.


A second of a series of movies about Kovpak - the partisans chief during WWII.


In December 1825, distinguished members of the Russian military, most of whom were quite affluent and of noble lineage, took it upon themselves to stir revolution against the autocratic and tyrannical Czar Nikolai I in the wake of his not honoring the drafting of a constitution for the Russian people. The revolution failed miserably and the conspirators (known as the Decembrists) were weeded out by the czar himself. One by one, each of the conspirators confess and are systematically exiled to the harsh winters of Siberia, slated to work and wither in a prison/mine. The wives of the conspirators are faced with the prospect of leaving the bosom of wealth and family (including their own children) to be with their husbands in the brutal Siberian locale. If they agree to this, they face having their illustrious social stations stripped away and certain disdain from everyone around them...


The film includes three short stories based on the stories of Mikhail Zoshchenko: "Crime and Punishment", "Fun Adventure", and "Wedding Event" about the negative phenomena of the provincial life of the young country of the Soviets: stupidity, drunkenness, money-grubbing, lack of spirituality.


Based on the story "Echelon to Germany" by Ivan Shamyakin.

A first of a series of movies about Kovpak - the partisans chief during WWII.


A chronicle of life in a small village in the Baikal Region on the eve of World War I and at the time of the October Revolution. The age-old foundations are crumbling, the process of social stratification is underway and, as a result, some people go to defend the revolution, and others - to fight against it. The main hero is the young Cossack Roman Ulybin. At first, this carefree daredevil is preoccupied only with one problem: whether his sweetheart, Dashutka, is to marry him or a merchant’s son, Alyoshka. Roman is killing time fist-fighting with his rival. But little by little, the young man realizes that the world around him has changed, that people are fighting for equality and social justice, and, being a real Cossack, he can’t remain on the sidelines…


A finding of an old briefcase in a ruined house in 1970s leads to a treasure, hidden in the 1920s.


A thirteen years old Anton escapes home in order to cross the country and get to his brother who works very far away.

Avdey, the husband of the tractor forewoman Fedosya leaves her for another woman. Their 18-year-old son Filipp can not forgive his father and on the day of the new wedding even tries to run over a tractor car in which the father is driving with a new wife. Shortly after the wedding, Avdey realizes that he made a fatal mistake and is trying to return to Fedosya, but she cannot forgive. Filipp was taken into the army, on the border where Filipp serves, an armed violation of the border occurs, during which he dies.


She is smart, surrounded by parental attention and therefore not completely independent, and he is one of those who cannot imagine himself without creation, since he is a builder. They are very different people, but the young are united by a keen sense of responsibility for everything that happens around. And so, having parted, they will definitely meet again...

Adyutant ego prevoskhoditelstva


Based on the story of Boris Mozhayev “The Power of the Taiga”. In the taiga village, where everyone is in sight, almost unbelievable happens — a local store is robbed. One of the rafters of the forest is recognized as a hacker. But some “inconsistencies” haunt the young precinct Vasily Seryozhkin. And in the end, he goes on the trail of the true participants in the crime...


A crook named Ostap Bender, who survived a murder attempt by Kisa Vorobyaninov in "12 Chairs," now schemes to extort 1 million from an underground millionaire.


A talented girl is trying to find happiness amidst the Russian revolution of 1917 and the civil war that split the nation.


Touching story about love of a young romantic man (Zhenia), who is a soldier of Guard Mortar Division (Division of "Katusha" Reactive Mortars) and a girl-telegraphist (Little Zhenia) at the last months of WW II.


The film is set in the 1930s in the USSR. The film tells about one day of the construction of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. The heroes of the film are simple construction workers who are burning at work. Upon learning that their colleagues in Kharkov have set a record, they mobilize to break it. The entire construction site was engulfed in immense socialist competition. The teams are ready to complete the work on time at any cost. A Moscow journalist who has come to cover the scale of the great construction project is looking for the hero of his report...


A film adaptation of the novel of the same name by Boris Blednyy. A graduate of the culinary technical school of the cook, Tosya Kislitsyna, a naive and eccentric girl, came to the village lost in the northern forests. She sticks her nose in all affairs, seeks to help everyone. She met Ilya on the day of arrival: the "first guy in the village" fell upon her indignantly, and in the evening, to brighten up an unpleasant meeting, she decided to "make happy" with an invitation to a dance and was refused. Not accustomed to refusals, Ilya argues with Filya that during the week he will fall in love with Tosya...
