Mikhail Kononov

A musical battle mystery with a cheerful war and pure love, with circus attractions and a real Lyuboffyorlova, as well as the recorded phenomenon of the Blessed Virgin Mary and strategic night flights of an absolutely naked pioneer!

They are neither adults nor kids - somewhere in between, living in their separate boys and girls cozy dorms and doing whatever they love to do - inventors, artists, poets, mechanists, scientists and....just dreamers! These enthusiastic and creative folks enjoy their half-adult, half-childish lifestyles and entertain each other with the different tricks and practical jokes. The main hero stands out of the crowd - while the others try to live the normal life socializing as they can, he can never be rested, always coming up with the different unpredictable and unexpected moves, which always make viewers burst with laugh....


Completely finished, but never released Anton Chekhov biopic. Deemed not so good by director himself.


Strangers on a train. Late in 1916, a brave and idealistic Russian officer in his 20s comes to his superiors' attention when he stands up to Rasputin at a nightclub. He's asked to carry important papers from Petersburg to Stockholm by train in the dead of winter, a dangerous mission. The first-class carriage may be full of spies, and soon after the train embarks, the man in the next compartment searches Obozow's luggage. A beautiful stranger approaches him, a woman older than he, on a concert tour; a game of cat and mouse ensues with patriotism and emotion sometimes on opposite sides. Can Obozow consummate the affair, reach Stockholm, and maintain his ideals?


Russian general have to find and bring back to St. Petersburg girl claiming her right to the throne...


A dance troupe from the autonomous region of Abkhazia in western Georgia perform for Stalin, Lavrentiy Beria, Abkhaz leader Nestor Lakoba, and other high-ranking party officials in the Black Sea coastal town of Gagra.


История о событиях в Петербурге в канун первой мировой войны, событиях странных, драматических, развернувшихся в течение одной недели Рождества перед Новым 1914 годом. Герой фильма - частный детектив Петя Чухонцев, не окончивший курса студент-юрист, - расследует дело изобретателя Куклина, который был убит. Убит именно так, как предсказывал во время странного, почти сумасшедшего, новогоднего визита к Чухонцеву. Расследуя дело Куклина, Петя очень быстро сообразит, что в этом деле центральной фигурой является немец Шольц, владелец , по дешевке скупающий изобретения русских умельцев и передающий их шпиону Зигфреду Гею, советнику германского посольства. Однако также скоро Петя поймет и то, что он влез явно не в свое дело...


A group of "friends" are trying to solve a mysterious death of a factory director - and find the money he stole from them.


A Baba Yaga's grand-daughter gets into the argument with the young son of Kashchey and decides to leave the magic forest.


A bride decides to check her fiancé feelings by staging the kidnapping of herself.


1927. A retired Red Army commander Constantine Vorontsov is appointed a Criminal Investigation Department head in a principal city of province. An experienced repeater named Korney shows up in the city. Thanks to a successfully performed operation a place of a local thieves gathering place is now known. But Korney, foreboding of an ambush, changes the place at the last moment. Vorontsov doesnt have enough time to warn all his colleagues and heads for the thieves meeting by his own.


The protagonist of the film, engineer Barkasov, finds himself in ridiculous and anecdotal situations all day. He is a responsible worker, the head of a large institution and is completely exhausted from pressing urgent matters. On the advice of a doctor, his deputy bought two operetta tickets for his boss and ordered secretary Sofochka to accompany Barkasov at an evening performance...


Polosa vezeniya (literally) 'Streak of Luck' is the fifth film in a Mosfilm "youth" anthology series and comprises three short stories. The first story, 'Vizit' (The Visit) directed by film maker turned politician Yevgeni Gerasimov tells the story of a rural boy visiting his former village girlfriend, now living in Moscow. Next comes a short film by Aleksandr Majorov called 'Zolotye rybki' (Goldfishes) which is based on a story of a magical goldfish brought from a provincial pet store by the late Russian historian and science-fiction and fantasy writer Kir Bulychyov. The final segment and the title of the film, 'Polosa vezeniya' (Streak of Luck) tells the story of a member of staff at a research institute who is offered the job of the department head, but has second thoughts when he discovers the previous boss was unfairly dismissed.


Platon Ryabinin, a pianist, is traveling by train to a distant town of Griboedov to visit his father. He gets off to have lunch during a twenty minute stop at Zastupinsk railway station. He meets Vera, a waitress, after he refuses to pay her for the disgusting food he doesn't even touch and misses his train due to police investigation of the incident. His passport is then accidentally taken away from him by Andrei, Vera's fiancé, and his money is stolen as he waits for the next train to Griboedov. Vera learns that Platon is about to get sentenced and sent to prison in the Far East for a car accident he isn't guilty for. During the few days that Platon has to spend in Zastupinsk he and Vera develop feelings for each other...


A comic mystery about Vasia Kurolesov who is trying to become a detective.


Was have Vasily and Vasilisa seven children. They lived together, the village respected the working family. But one day something happened to the owner: washed down the man and raised his hand to the faithful wife. And then Vasilisa evicted her husband in the barn. It was just before the war.…


Young guy Andrey tries to save the daughter of Sun from the evil wizard.


A hunter, returning to the Taiga forest, finds a dying girl in his cabin. He stoically nurses her back to life, but the differences between them may be too great for them to remain together. Based on the short story 'Dream of the White Mountains' by Viktor Astafyev.


The evolution of a nation during six decades of turbulent history is dramatized via two families from opposing classes.


A family of a private stud-farm head takes cover from a Civil War in a forsaken estate in Urals steppe. Once an old family friend Victor, lieutenant of White Guard, shows up in the estate and claims that he wants to come out of action and live according to the laws of God. The old man marries his daughter and Victor, but that is the end of peace in this house, taking into account that the white Cossacks are getting nearer


No overview found.

Two pairs of twins, once separated, find each other in the comedy finale. But before giving them the joy of this meeting, fate finally forces everyone to go through a series of adventures, sometimes funny, and sometimes dramatic ...


War correspondent Lopatin takes a 20-day-leave from his hard work at the front in 1942. He travels to faraway Tashkent to meet the family of the killed soldier and visit the film set of the screen adaptation of his war-time stories. Lopatin also manages to walk the streets of Tashkent, take part in a factory workers' meeting and have a short-lived love affair. Although with no bombings and fighting, the city dwellers breathe the atmosphere of the ongoing war.


The queen of a magic kingdom is trying to marry her two daughters...


Young prince meets a talking frog who turns out to be a beautiful but cursed princess. To remove the curse, he must go on a quest to find and outsmart the forest witch Baba Yaga.


Antarctic station "Vostok" threatens conservation due to lack of fuel. Volunteer squad is called to take fuel, but will soon begin "Polar autumn" in Antarctica. No one has walked this way, when the temperature drops below 71 degrees Celsius and freezes fuels.


A Soviet three-part television miniseries directed by Vasily Levin loosely based on the novels Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.


The of an actor in a provincial theatre.


This fairy tale film is dedicated to the memory of the great film director Alexander Row, the founder of the genre. Once upon a time there lived a brave and kind hero named Finist the Bright Falcon. He was famous for his strength, courage and a heart of gold. But one day the Russian land was attacked by an evil enemy, Kartaus, who turned our hero into a forest monster. This spell was cast on a condition that Finist might become a man again, should a beautiful girl, Alyonushka, fall in love with him while he was a beast.


This story is told by academician S. Yuryshev, Director of the Institute of applied biochemistry. The events in it are developing in 20 years during the Civil war, when he sent a geologist searching for copper in the coal mines of the merchant Stasova, and in the 70s, when the head of the Institute. His thoughts and actions as if he reconciles his past, revolutionary romanticism 20-h his life's work was the discovery of a new chemical element. He believes in getting it even when the explosion in the laboratory takes the life of his closest friend and colleague, when his grown-up adopted son, becoming also a chemist, suffered during the experiments. Believe when testing on military ground again fail…

A young teacher goes to a school for adults. He is younger than many of his students and some of them are starting to miss school.


A love story between a country policeman and a recently separated from her husband woman with three kids.


Fifteen years old Sasha is dreaming about adventures, falling in love and doesn't know that WWII is approaching...


In 1919, in Petrograd, a pilot Sevastyanov was asked to help in training flight personnel for the young Hungarian republic, together with a Hungarian journalist he makes a desperate, with many adventures, flight across the front to Hungary ...


A talented girl from the provincial Russian town Pasha Stroganova dreams of becoming an actress. She plays the role of Baba Yaga in the amateur theatre — and does it so organically that the visiting filmmaker offers her the most difficult role in the historical drama about Joan of Arc. She was given not only great acting talent, but the talent of deep, selfless love. A dream comes true: she is invited to the main role, and she begins a completely different life, full of real creative torment, insights and true happiness.


A story about the adventures of two teenage brothers helping ChK during twenties.

Two stories about the life of a young boxer Sasha and his friends in Leningrad during a first years after WWII.


The film tells about the fighting everyday life of the crew of self-propelled guns during the liberation of Right-Bank Ukraine. Junior Lieutenant Maleshkin, an unshooted graduate of the school, commands the crew of the self-propelled gun SU-100. All the subordinates of Maleshkin are older than him and much more experienced. The authority of the young commander is tested at every step, he quarrels, then reconciles with his crew. In addition, Maleshkin is very dissatisfied with the battery commander, he now and then threatens to remove the sluggish young officer from the command. In the crew of Maleshkin, various troubles constantly occur: either the driver will catch the commandant’s eyes in an untidy, grimy look, then a combat grenade with a dropped check will be discovered in the car, or a breakdown will occur just at the moment the regiment enters the march.


A talented girl is trying to find happiness amidst the Russian revolution of 1917 and the civil war that split the nation.


Young patriotic young man ends up in the on Chukotka right after the civil war, where he intends to spread ideas of justice and equality among the natives. As it happens, instead he learn the local capitalist ways, and he start profitable fur trading with US, Japanese and other merchants.


An expansive Russian drama, this film focuses on the life of revered religious icon painter Andrei Rublev. Drifting from place to place in a tumultuous era, the peace-seeking monk eventually gains a reputation for his art. But after Rublev witnesses a brutal battle and unintentionally becomes involved, he takes a vow of silence and spends time away from his work. As he begins to ease his troubled soul, he takes steps towards becoming a painter once again.


Goodbye, Boys! is the coming-of-age tale of three teenagers graduating from a Communist school during World War II. It's summer, and their main goals are swimming in the Black Sea and wooing the girl all three of them love. However, they are asked to become officers in the military, and slowly their worlds begin changing forever. Their parents oppose them, they begin fearing losing each other and their families, and the military tricks and maneuvers them into joining the army instead of the navy


Svetlana, young pretty girl, works as a trolleybus driver in a small town and almost all her permanent passengers are at least a little bit in love with her.


The girl Frosya Burlakova comes to Moscow from the remote Siberian village of Eltsovka to become a singer. She stops at the sculptor Nikolai Vasilyevich, who studied at a school in Zaporozhye, where their mutual friend worked — a school caretaker, who then moved to Siberia. Completely unfamiliar with the life of big cities, Frosya amuses Nikolai Vasilyevich himself, his girlfriend Natasha and the housekeeper with his provinciality and spontaneity. However, the absolute sincerity and spiritual purity of Frosy make the sculptor think that he himself has long been stuck in lies, vanity and commercial work, exchanged his artistic talent for trifles and lost his creative path.
