Mikheil Chiaureli

A graduate of a sewing school arrives in a Kakhetian village. Insisting on opening a fashion house there, the energetic and good-natured Makvala makes the life of the villagers much more lively.


the film about gueta


Georgian film about a young girl.

The only son of Otari’s widow decides to serve in the serf owner’s house, and falls in love with the patron’s daughter for whom he can’t reveal his feelings to.


The film tells about the funeral arrangements associated with the death of Joseph Stalin.

March 9th, 1953. A gray, sad day. Clouds float low over the Kremlin towers. A city that unrecognizably grew, prettier and matured - this Moscow froze in solemn grief. The country escorts its father and leader, Joseph Stalin.


Soviet propaganda film in two episodes about Stalin's strong and cruel suppression of the 1919 anti-communist uprising in St. Petersburg, Russia. Stalin and Lenin are shown as heroes who destroyed the efforts of anti-communists led by White Russians with support from "bad" British capitalists headed by Sir Winston Churchill and Lloyd George.


Surrounded by a few party officials, Alexei Ivanov, a stakhanovist smelter, is decorated by Stalin. The "Little Father of the Peoples" takes this opportunity to invoke threats of war.... One day, war indeed breaks out. Bombs fall on the field where Alexei finds himself in the company of the schoolmistress Natacha, his fiancée. Alexei joins the Red Army and soon becomes a sergeant. Fighting rages and German troops advance. Natacha is arrested and deported. But the tide turns decisively with the German defeat at Stalingrad. Now the major offensive against Hitler can begin.


Using a marriage broker,a Prince in dire financial straits plans to marry the wealthy daughter of a merchant, The girl is in love with the nephew of the prince. Forced by her father into the unwelcome match, she finds a friend in another matchmaker. They arrange it so that the prince will not like the girl when he meets her.


The story of Stalin and the Soviet people.


The film tells about the struggle of the Georgian people under the leadership of the great commander George Saakadze for a centralized state.


In 1917, the people of the Russian Empire are no longer willing to fight Germany, but the bourgeois government of Alexander Kerensky is unwilling to defy its imperialist allies and stop the war. Only Vladimir Lenin's Bolshevik Party is resolute in calling for peace. In the front, the soldiers of one battalion elect three delegates to travel to St. Petersburg with donations the troops collected for the Pravda newspaper: Gudushauri, Panasiuk and Ershov. The three arrive in the capital and describe the horrendous conditions in which the soldiers live to Joseph Stalin, Lenin's trusted aid and colleague. They join the Bolsheviks and take part in the storming of the Winter Palace, led by Stalin and Lenin. Stalin announces that the great dawn of revolution has broken.


Our friend goes on a journey the world will never forget.

XIX century peasants' revolt and the life story of bandit Arsena Odzelashvili.


A rework of Boris Sigal's play The Trial of Stepan Korolev. Set in Tbilisi rather than Leningrad is a morality tale about the hazards of alcohol consumption that is nonetheless not without humor.


Prince bon-vivant Levan Phantiashvili finds himself in a difficult financial situation. To make his life better he agrees to marry the merchant Adam Varakhidze’s daughter, Elo. The merchant is happy for this move opens the door in a high society for him until he finds out that Elo is not quite happy with his decision.


Love, adventure, and revolutionary uprising in 19th century Georgia.


Revolutionary uprising of Georgian laborers in 1905.


When the communists decide to renovate the city and try to demolish a badly positioned church, the religious citizens decide to fight for what is holy to them.
