Mikkel Mainz Elkjær

The story follows Oskar and his two brothers, Jonathan and Lukas, during the 90s, in the outskirts of the Swedish city of Gothenburg. Their father is the local priest of a quiet church and he brings his kids there every Sunday. On this particular Sunday, Oskar doesn’t like what his father says about faith. He and his brothers sneak out to play games in the forest instead. Oskar wants to play a game that has nothing to do with religion, where he has powers of his own. They launch into an anime schoolgirl fantasy frenzy of killing imaginary monsters with laser beams when some older kids find them near the edge of a tall cliff. They bully the brothers, forcing them to confront how weak their faith actually is. Oskar is conflicted: should he stick up for his faith or admit it’s not real?

Alethrion, the first hero, and a lovely backpacker girl called Amerath are setting out to follow a mysterious treasure map.


Follow the characters that are exploring and adventuring the Land of Alethrion. They are all in some way or another connected to a mysterious treasure map that was created by the most epic hero of all time, Alethrion. No one knows what treasure or magical artifact Alethrion placed at the X on the map, but they do believe that it is the biggest treasure ever. What none of them know, is that the map leads to Alethrion’s greedy and dangerous spirit trapped inside of a magical chest - its prison. It has been waiting to be found and knows that it is just a matter of time before greedy adventurous will find the treasure and it. Now, generations later, new adventurers from all corners of The Land of Alethrion are in search of a mysterious treasure map to become the new mightiest heroes of all time.

In this fantasy world of wild nature, people have Spirit Creatures: the living embodiment of your feelings and heart. So you can’t hide how you feel… your Spirit Creature always reveals you! But in the island City, people control emotion through technology. Generations ago, they found a way to crystallize their Spirit Creatures into a handy device; no one deals directly with their emotions anymore--they simply choose them with the press of a button! In this divided world, one teen alone holds the key to restoring balance between the emotional Wilds and the logical City. But can she face the truth in her heart in order to master her feelings and lead the way to a better future?