Miloš Macourek

When Your mum is a Witch, be careful what You play with


Max and Sally, the heroes of popular Czech animated series are leaving the TV in order to become a regular boy and girl.


Seven seemingly unconnected fairy tales - glued together only by folklore, mood, color and light - make up this Czech collection of visual poetry. The original piece of literature, written by Karel Jaromír Erben in 1853, contained twelve tales.


Prince Victor looks in vain for a swan which was wounded by one of his servants. Instead he discovers a beautiful girl with golden hair who has an arrow in her shoulder. She is dumb and can't explain her origin. He falls immediately for her. The girl quickly recovers, but disappears mysteriously.


A short stories about two brothers whose parents own a car shop.

An evil witch is trying to steal a magic purse possessed by the local ruler. Thanks to Princess Blanka's love, Prince Petr wins out over the witch.


Parents from around the world hold a congress to discuss how to deal with their misbehaving children. All parents come together — only one set is missing, the parents of Sylvester, the best boy in the world. The congress decides to go see him so he can lead the other children by example. Sylvester is truly an exceptional child, but his "being good at all times and under all circumstances" somewhat gets out of hand.


Surreal short animation about a clever girl with an amazing memory. Things go well for her until she can't remember facts about polar bears for a school project.


One of the moralities of the trio of authors Milos Macourek, Adolf Born and Jaroslav Doubrava. It deals with the topic of implacability of human optimism and fantasy. In a sad manner it tells us a humorous story of a man living double life: one of a beaten little clerk, humiliated by his arrogant boss, imperious wife and misbehaved descendant; the other of a spoiled hero of a dream empire full of beautiful and tender women, flowers and fantastic figures. From artistic point of view is the film based on Adolf Born's lithographs.


Young boy Cestmir finds a magic rock which allows him to bring the seeds of the flowers which allow flying from Blue Planet...


A humorous criminal story about a dog that knew how to read, appreciated classical music and spoke a foreign language. His primitive master hates his dog's superiority and tries to liquidate it physically.


Robert is a SF writer, who realizes that he can make his thoughts material. Because of that, a group of aliens arrives to Earth. Their leader is Andra, who shows affection for Robert, which does not please his girlfriend, Biba. A monster, Mumu, has arrived together with the visitors from space.


Arabela was a children's television series produced in Czechoslovakia which aired from 1979 to 1981. The series has 13 episodes and is in the Czech language.


The heroes of this absurd comedy, full of confusion and humor are Dzharda Zemanek and Frantisek Liska.


A child's toy is transformed into a Golem that goes on a rampage


The world is made up of yellow people, who turn green if they accept a bribe. As the world becomes increasingly full of green people, everyone turns their attention towards the one hat shop girl who refuses to be corrupted.

Former Nazi Klaus Abard survives to the 1990s by taking anti-ageing pills. He plans to use a time travel trip to return to Germany in 1944 and present Hitler with a hydrogen bomb, so that he can win the war. Unfortunately the pilot, woman-chasing Karel Bures, dies on the morning of the trip and his earnest twin brother Jan impersonates him, without knowing about the plot. The plot goes wrong when they lose the bomb and land near Hitler's bunker in 1941, at a time that the Nazis sense victory. Bures, with two of the plotters, escape capture by the Nazis and make it back to the time machine. Bures programs the machine to return one day before they left, because he figures he can then save his brother and foil the plot.


It is the summer of 1968 and also in South Moravian Pálavice appear political clashes. The so far peacefully farming Unified farmers' cooperative starts splitting. Some of the farmers have found the cooperative called Vidrupa and want to deal with wine in private trade. Michal Janák, chairman of the farmers' cooperative is a deliberate man and refuses the latent return to the capitalism. As an excellent farmer he continues preparing planting out new vineyards. His adversaries do not agree - the returns will come many years later. Jozka Hrdlicka, an émigré, notices on the Austrian TV the interview with the representatives of Vidrupa and decides to visit his native village. The new suit and the hired car transform the bankrupt and criminal to the successful businessman with wine.


To Moscow have arrived the participants of the international conference of the zoophilologists and also the international jury which is to elect for the world festival the best performance of the program of Moscow circus. Mrs Whistler (Iva Janzurová), British associate professor, makes her understood with the animals in their language but the Czech professor Ruzicka (Jirí Sovák), though he is capable of using the animals language, prefers teaching the animals the human language. Ruzicka's friend, the poodle Archibald, speaks "in Human" very well. The scientific dispute ends with a bet - if Ruzicka teaches the circus elephant to sing, Mrs Whistler will eat up her hat.


One of the moralities of the trio of authors Milos Macourek, Adolf Born and Jaroslav Doubrava. It deals with an important ethical issue of matrimony when one of the partners leaves the other after many years of living together. The concept of the picture is humorous exaggeration, it is full of observations and also a wise view on the problem of gratitude and ungratefulness.


A morality play about human fantasy losing its creativity if it becomes a means of making money. In this film it is the ability of a boy to create colored "nonsense" that becomes a trade for his parents. The colored clouds of the little boy produced on the basis of orders eventually change to gray cubes.


There are still water spirits among us. One group lives in Prague, led by Mr. Wassermann, who is using his wife's family as a servants. All they need is their old house near the river. But the house is to be demolished. They have to stop it. And the only way is to drown Dr. Mrácek, who is responsible for the demolition. But he falls in love with Wassermann's niece Jana. He changes to fish, is mistaken for water spirit from Germany, is drowned and revived again. The other problem is the flour with ears... and so on...


An excellently ironic morality story which deals with the difficult situation of a woman in a temporary family. In an exaggerated way the woman sets herself free and starts to fly independently and in the same independent manner she volunteers to go back to her kitchen and slavery.


The owner of a circus decides to swap his trained bears for trained pigs, and fires clown Cibulka. The clown gets a job at a local school, bears escape and seek him out and a school inspector comes into town.


Dívka na koštěti or The Girl on the Broomstick is a 1972 Czechoslovak fantasy-comedy film directed by Václav Vorlíček. It tells a story of a teenage witch, Saxana (played by Petra Černocká), frozen in time as a punishment for 300 years, who finds herself in a modern world. A sequel was released in 2011 - Saxána a Lexikon Kouzel.


A humorous story about people who before doing anything imagine all possible unpleasant consequences of their action and in the end decide that they better do not do anything.


After a soldier cuts off the arm of king's cousin, king decides to deactivate the army. Of course, generals don't like it at all and they try to kill the king. The assassin should be artificial body in the shape of actress Evelina Keleti and with brain of psychotic serial killer Fany Stubová. They also manage to kill king's astrologer Stuart Hampl, who warns the king. Accidentally, Hampl's brain is implanted into assassin's body, actress Keleti is killed and chaos begins.


Two criminal gangs are ruthlessly fighting for a 1-million dollar check that, purely by chance, got into the flat of shy high school teacher George Camel. As the number of victims sharply increases, Camel is mistakenly regarded as a mass murderer and cunningly uses his horrifying reputation to get the respect and heart of his beloved Sabrina, a journalist from a local newspaper. But this game turns out to be risky and in the end, both gangs don't hesitate to seize the check at all costs, including an improvised operation


This futuristic science fiction comedy features an atomic bomb blast that causes women to grow beards and lose the ability to have children. A summit meeting is held at the United Nations, with the proposed solution of building a time machine. The decision is made to travel back in time and murder Einstein, with the hopeful result being that without the noted mathematician's research there will be no atomic bombs.


The parents of a two boys remarried after divorce. The older one stayed with his father and his attractive young wife, while the younger one stayed with the mother and her new husband. On Sundays, the two boys visit the other family alternately, and the younger Djuro will soon realize that they have much more in common.


An animated lecture that totally overthrows the idea of the tender character of women and violent character of men. It proves that the reality is different.

A dark comedy about a murder and its consequences presented in a backwards manner, where death is actually a rebirth. The film starts with an "execution" of the main protagonist and goes back to explore his previous actions and motivations.


A humorous modern fairy-tale about boys who woke up a mammoth in a school biology room and experienced a lot of adventures with it. After numerous events in which they discover the worst part of their act the boys eventually find out that going to school is quite nice.

Fabulous animals bathed, rested and had fun on the summer beach of the southern town. Suddenly, the rest was interrupted by an urgent message on a hanging poster: "Everyone needs to vaccinate vaccinations from elephant to fly!". However, all the animals, having read the message, as if nothing had happened, began to rest, dance and sunbathe again. And only Behemoth, worried, began to ask everyone how scary and painful it was to vaccinate.


In this zany Czechoslovakian comedy, a scientist invents a machine that projects a sleeping person's dream on a screen; disaster soon follows when the machine malfunctions and the cartoon-like dream characters become very real!


A satiric film that through a lecture of a cracked brain pedant describes the increasing disobedience of children. It calls us for protection against misbehaved children and wants to "defend" the world of adults from disastrous consequences of the ungrateful children's deeds. The film is remarkable for the inimitable humor of Milos Macourek.


A modern fairy-tale about Otýlie, a girl who each time she writes something gets all dirty from the ink. One day her teacher wants to clean her with an eradicator and otylie disappears. She is happy to be invisible but due to blots she becomes an ordinary girl again.


A circus lion goes on holiday to Africa, but his circus skills doesn't let him be.


At school the dunce draws a Picasso style chicken on the black board. The chicken comes to life, runs away, and finds itself in the teacher's garden. The teacher thinks he has discovered a new species and christens it with his own name.


Bad moods, denial and constant resentment are spreading like an epidemic, gradually transferring from the individual to the entire society.
