Mircea Șeptilici

A communist pyrotechnist lieutenant plans to blow up a Ploiești refinery that fuels the german army in WWII


A gang falsifies college degrees and sells them. They also help their careers, so that later they can blackmail them to obtain industrial espionage.


Nicolae (George Motoi), the intelectual descendant of Moromete family, former communist apparatchik in the 50s, becomes a horticultor due to a political error, and refuses to have any social life, even if he is unhappy with his inactivity. The death of his partner makes him respond to the overtures of his old comrades. Based on the eponymous novel by Marin Preda.


A happily married teacher finds out that a child of hers she believed dead for 10 tears is alive. On the trail of her first lover, she reconnects with her lost daughter.


This is a thriller based on a theatre play by Horia Lovinescu - „Omul care şi-a pierdut omenia” (The Man Who Lost His Humanity)


A counterespionage office get a mission to go to the Black Sea shore and catch a spy network that got their hands on a secret fuel formula.


Attorney Constantin Lipan (Geo Barton) is tasked to investigate the case of an oil magnate, Iordan Hagi-Iordan (George Calboreanu). This will put pressure on his superiors to drop the case. Based on "Calea Victoriei" novel by Cezar Petrescu.


Per IMDB: A young officer of the Romanian Army performs a sabotage mission against the Nazi regime. Seriously wounded, the officer can not reach the fixed place and finds shelter in a surgeon's home.


The out-of-time ambiance of Sulina/Europolis between wars is shaken up by the arrival of a former local from America.


Geared more for the home crowd with a good knowledge of their own history, this Romanian political comedy takes place at the turn of the 20th century, when two opposing factions are going at each other tooth and nail to win an election. One candidate is a staunch if not deluded conservative and the other is a radical liberal. Anticipating modern election campaigns by a good half a century, the two candidates decide that the best way to win is to sling as much mud as possible. Lacking the Internet and fifteen-second TV spots, they do the best they can -- they send each other virulent telegrams denouncing each other's personal failings.


Ciulei’s second feature recalls the best of Fritz Lang and Michael Curtiz in its WWII-era espionage tale, set on a barge transporting Nazi munitions up the Danube. Ciulei himself givers a superb performance as Mihai, the barge captain forced to navigate the heavily mined waters along with his new bride, Ana (Irina Petrescu). As the journey wears on, Mihai becomes increasingly suspicious of one of his crew, ex-convict Toma (Lazar Vrabie), and his intentions towards Ana. But Toma has a far graver—and potentially deadly—secret to conceal.
