Mircha Carven

A teenage girl falls in love with a man who works in live sex shows, and who just happens to be having an affair with the girl's stepmother--with her father's knowledge.


Italian-made ripoff of SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER.


The life and ideas of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. A love triangle unfolds as Nietzsche and his best friend decides to live with a Jewish woman. According to Nietzsche's philosophy, that is beyond all morality. Depicting Nietzsche's opium addiction and madness meritorious.


Mario Marani is a well-respected lawyer in late 70s Milano. He and his wonderful wife Francesca have an intense high social life. But Mario has a problem. He is obsessed by bad thoughts (cattivi pensieri); he is always concerned about his wife, thinking continuously to be betrayed by her. It is a nightmare, every time Mario sees Francesca talking to one of their friends immediately starts to see her and him in an hot affair. Jealousy and suspects increase and increase, till their life cross with a young man hidden inside their flat.


Near the end of WW2, prisoners of war are used in experiments to perfect the Arian race.


A young woman who comes to Rome and soon drifts into de facto prostitution in order to survive. She meets a misanthropic doctor and would-be poet, but soon falls in love with another man. Murder ensues and she soon finds herself being blackmailed, sexually and financially, by her husband's shady driver, who saw something he shouldn't have.


The life of the family inordinate surveyor Carlos Alonso has undergone several changes over the course of the years: the birth of child number 16, little Maria, coincided with the death of the mother, who left behind a hollow refillable. The grandfather also died. The Godfather pastry married, and the boys have been growing rapidly ...
