Mirjam Korbar

Tragedy doesn’t come any more Dickensian in tone or Shakespearian in scope than this dark social drama of the disintegration of a little family of four. A series of small debts triggers the swift domino effect that unleashes chaos on a well-meaning working class dad who has the bad judgment to speak truth to power.


After being fired, a young car mechanic Đuro gets recommendation to look for another job in a remote village. His new boss is warm, old fashioned and naive - completely opposite from the world he's coming from. The peaceful atmosphere is shaken when Đuro falls for a regular customer's wife.


In a small seaside town, a group of people discover their dark past and repeat their bad habits, even those from the time of inquisition and persecutions of witches. They're ought to repeat these actions as long as they start to experience love and forgiveness in some of the following stages of reincarnation.


A tragedy looms for a young Gypsy violinist whose half brother is in the throes of first love.


Two girls who study theatre & drama and their friend photographer decide to rob a bank, using all sorts of their creative force and imagination to implement the idea.


A story about sailor Maks in a crisis of his life.
