Mirjam Weichselbraun

The 60th Eurovision Song Contest was held in May 2015 in the capital of Austria, Vienna, the first time Austria hosted the event since 1967. In order to mark the 60th edition of the Eurovision Song Contest, Australia was invited to take part in the Grand Final for the very first time. The the official Eurovision Song Contest logo was refreshed, for the first time since it was launched in 2004. The slogan for the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest was Building Bridges. The theme artwork featured spheres and wave-shapes, symbolising unity as well as diversity. The colours reflected individualism and at the same time building musical bridges, the diversity of the artists, variety of songs and the diverse audience. 27 countries competed in the Grand Final of the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest, the largest number ever. 10 qualifiers from each of the Semi-Finals, the so-called Big Five as well as hosts Austria and special guest Australia all took to the stage.

The Eurovision Song Contest 2015 was the 60th edition of the Eurovision Song Contest. It took place in Vienna, Austria. It was the second time Austria had hosted the contest, having previously done so in 1967.

The Eurovision Song Contest 2015 was the 60th edition of the Eurovision Song Contest. It took place in Vienna, Austria. It was the second time Austria had hosted the contest, having previously done so in 1967.

In his new case, Marthaler is puzzled. A bachelor party ended with a cruel bloody act. While the investigations lead Marthaler to France, there are more murders in Frankfurt. Marthaler and his team soon chase after a beautiful stranger, who seems to be the key to solving the case. Continuation of the successful series with Frankfurt Chief Commissioner Robert Marthaler, based on novel works by Jan Seghers.


Eigentlich sollte der 12. November ein fröhlicher Tag für Kriminalkommissar Robert Marthaler werden, denn nach drei Jahren soll Tereza aus Madrid nach Frankfurt zurückkehren. Am Nachmittag will er sie am Flughafen abholen. Aber gleich morgens wird er an einen Tatort gerufen. Eine junge Frau ist ermordet worden. Der Anblick ihrer Leiche macht es offensichtlich: auf dem Weg zum Tod ist sie durch ein Martyrium gegangen. Marthaler und seine Kollegen sind fassungslos. Und sie ahnen, hier kommen sie mit der üblichen Ermittlungsroutine nicht weiter. Weil das nagelneue Polizeipräsidium in der Adickesallee gerade unter Wasser steht, zieht das Team um Marthaler in ein altes Bürgerhaus um. Zwischen Umzugskisten und fluchenden Möbelpackern müssen sie einen der schwierigsten Fälle der Frankfurter Kriminalgeschichte aufklären.


When the driver manages to crash the car on the road in the middle of nowhere, three guys and a girl seem to have no other choice than to walk through the dark woods to find the nearest hostel...


The Weidemann have a perfume factory but the business goes bad and blindly trust Marie, a young woman with a gift for the fragrances, to launch a new essence that will save the company. But Marie falls in love with Bernard, the heir of the family that owns the bank continually denied that the appropriations to the Weidemann.


Dancing Stars is the Austrian version of Dancing with the Stars and is shown on "ORF eins" in Austria.
