Miroslav Donutil

Finding the body of the regional politician Karas, killed in the spirit of medieval torture and carefully arranged in a strange scene, unleash police hunt for a sadistic perpetrator. He puts investigation team in the way of a complex series of murders that shake the local region and criminologists themselves.


The 10 Rules comedy tells a story of a shy scientist Marek who falls hopelessly in love with a seemingly inaccessible girl. His friends determined to help him, call Marek’s father, a successful publisher of books on the subject of how to get a woman. Together, they begin to develop a very peculiar course on girl psychology. However, do these 10 sure-fire rules apply exactly as described in the books?


Slovakia's entry for the 87th Academy awards.


Czech Century brings the key moments of the history of the Czech nation from 1918 to 1989.


New recording of the most succesful play of Prague's National Theater starring Miroslav Donutil. Goldoni's comedy "Servant of Two Masters" is typical example of classical "commedie dell'arte". Beatrice arrives in Venice dressed as her brother who was killed by her lover Florindo. Florindo also escapes from Tourine. Beatrice hires Truffaldino, a servant who also lets himself be hired by another master to get twice as much money and food. The second master is indeed Florindo, who coincidentally accomodates in the same hostel as Beatrice...

The elements that rule Earth - Air, Fire, Earth and Water - are in their "regular inspection tour". We are following Water, in the form of the Rain Fairy. Traversing the land dressed like a poor woman, she learns that people really have begun focusing mainly on money and that love and goodness are disappearing.


Czech Television has successfully aired two TV movies detective novels by Emil Vachek: The man and the Shadow and Evil minute. In both stories of the First Republic, acting chief inspector Klubíčko detective Tchaikovsky stamping, bachelor, gourmet, collector of old prints, which played an excellent way Miroslav Donutil.


This romantic comedy presents a story of two women, twenty-year-old Laura, an editor at a woman’s weekly, and her widowed mother, a translator-interpreter named Jana. The two of them tirelessly seek Mr. Right. Having once lived through an intense relationship with a ‘typical’ Czech man, Jana intentionally avoids Czech men. She searches for her dream foreigner while long-sufferingly warding off the tragicomic advances of her good-natured neighbor Žemla. After several unsuccessful attempts, Laura falls in love with Oliver, a forty year old who works as an ad agency idea man. Little does she suspect that twenty years ago Oliver was Jana’s true love…


Black-and-white comedy about two young people who want to lose, finally, their innocence, and about life in a very boring city of Brno ...


A nurse and her surgeon-lover are part of a resistance movement in 1940s Czechoslovakia. When they are discovered, her lover flees and she must find a place to hide. A patient whose life she saved, a man from a remote mountain village where time stopped 150 years ago, agrees to hide her as his wife.


Two families, Sebkovi and Krausovi, are celebrating Christmas, but not everyone is in a good mood. The teenage kids think that their fathers are totally stupid, and the fathers are sure that their children are nothing more than rebels, hating anything they say.


After two troubled but powerful men rape a young hitchhiker who happens to be a vet, she drugs them and removes their testicles.


51-year-old Herbert Strehlow, a furniture restorer, falls in love with 21-year-old Lea, who has not spoken a word since childhood when her father killed her mother. She bears a striking resemblance to Herbert's dead wife. They get married, but their relationship seems doomed, until gradually each one manages to penetrate the mysterious world of the other, and they begin to realize that they are bound by a kind of spiritual relationship. For Lea it is the death of her mother, for Herbert it is the death of his first wife. His hard exterior slowly beings to thaw, and he starts to show feelings and responses that soften Lea's initial hatred and fear of him, and which put their relationship in a more positive light.


A sad story about a young girl who is forced to move from one foster home to another.

Oligophrenic Fany (Bohdalová) lives with her aunt who suddenly manages to travel abroad. Fany has to move to her sister (Jirásková). Two very different women, one mentally disabled and the second one intelligent doctor has to live together and learn from each other about tolerance, loneliness, life and why call dogs "Mister".


Komedie vás přesvědčí o tom, že i na chmurné stránky naší historie je možné se dívat s nadhledem a humorem. Čo bolo, to bolo... Major Terazky vede svůj šik pétépáků od průšvihu k průšvihu vstříc světlým zítřkům. Česká filmová komedie podle románu Miloslava Švandrlíka.


The rough Redneck may inherit from Stepfather a Million Dolars so the fun can begin.


A film based on three short stories about the attitudes of ex-members of a then forbidden big- beat band. The stories capture the life-styles and opinions of the musicians who gave up music and had to find ordinary jobs in order to earn a living.


The film version of the theatre musical production by the "Divadlo na provazku" in Brno tells the tale of legendary bandit Nikola Šuhaj from Koločava.
