Miroslav Petković

Pepo (16) already 3 summers in a row is hoping, longing and trying to play on the better side of the basketball court, where the net is, and where the older guys play their hard and tough streetball games. After many attempts, obstacles and failures to get into the First league streetball game, not only that he’s been mocked by the older players, stubborn Pepo betrays his friends


Alexander Philipopoulos, a famous journalist in a French political magazine, is returning to his birthplace in northern Greece, looking for the truth about his father Lazarus, who lived as political emigrant in the neighboring country of Macedonia.


Vele can’t afford to buy the expensive medications for his father who has cancer. Desperate, he steals marijuana from some criminals, makes a cake with it and gives it to his father, hoping it will reduce his pain. His father’s health miraculously improves, but Vele is suddenly confronted by neighbors who demand the recipe for the “remedial” cake and by the criminals who want their drugs back.


Lonely little Marko loses everything he holds dear on his journey through a grim world, overtaken by a deadly virus and conflict-torn remains of humanity. Still, one dream gives him hope to push forward - to find the magic Fairy from his old picture book, that could be the mother he never had.
