Miroslava Karpovich

Residents of Honey Valley are getting ready for their favorite holiday - City Day, when all citizens have the opportunity to admire a unique artifact - the Golden Hive. According to legend, it was found by the founders of Honey Valley, and legend has it that thousands of misfortunes will fall upon the town if the Hive disappears. On the eve of the holiday, the Beehive is kidnapped. The squirrel Chink, Sophie's owl detective's assistant, is blamed for this. Chink and his friends have to unravel the case, find the real crook and return not only the Golden Hive, but also peace to the Valley.

This is a story of a small town girl named Nastya. Her newly married husband Ivan drives her to his hometown to meet his family. Upon their arrival Nastya feels she made a wrong decision: she is surrounded by weird people and she sees creepy photos all around the house. Ivan disappears while his family prepares Nastya for a mysterious traditional Russian wedding ceremony. She struggles to calm herself down hoping all this will end and they will live happily ever after. Only if she stays alive...


An epic animation about four 'average' girls who have superpowers. They get into endless adventures while trying to balance the world of fairies with the human one.


Three stories about three very different men - writer, doctor and lawyer.

And it was glorious Vityaz Borispol prediction that he would have a son who will be a great warrior and save Russia from the great affliction. But, as always, everything turned out the opposite: the hero was born ... my daughter. And salvation of Russia has not been canceled. How to fight the enemy, when he had three heads, each with its flourishes?


Maxim is an ordinary guy with a big dream to write the novel. But in a hectic of daily routine it is hard for him to find time to work on the book. In seven years of dreams he only managed to write a couple of lines. But all things change when Maxim learns that in 30 days he will die...


Igor, a furniture store manager, tries to figure out what happened during the corporate event which resulted his store to be completely destroyed.


Andrey is a handsome veterinarian with a successful Moscow pet clinic. Popular with ladies among his upscale clientele, he is forced to leave town when the jealous husband of one of them hires a hitman.


Performing the traditional New Year's call on the unknown phone number Andrey didn't even suspected, that just after his return to Moscow, he had bought a magic starting pack of cellular communications operator. Getting through to the deserted in New Year's eve Alyona, Andrey almost falls in love with her, but there exists a temporal problem. Alyona is celebrating coming 2008 year and Andrey is going to meet 2009. Trying "to set a contact" with Alyona's «future variant» he comes to know the terrible truth about the events, that appended in the end of 2008. Now the main goal of Andrey and all his friends - to prevent the awful tragedy and to turn into reality the meeting of Alyona and Andrey...


The protagonist - a family psychotherapist from a small private clinic, Sergey Vasnetsov, found himself in a deplorable life situation. His wife left him, leaving his five daughters in his care: the eldest of them, Masha, is a big woman of fashion and heartbreaker, dates many guys; second in seniority, Dasha is a Goth girl; the third daughter is Zhenya, an athlete who is friends with the guys and does not date any of them; the fourth, Galina Sergeevna - an erudite and wunderkind; The youngest father's daughter, Polina, nicknamed Button, is a creatively gifted girl. Girls do their best to please their beloved father. And Vasnetsov founds himself in a complete “blockage” at work and problems with money, but one day there is hope that he will get lucky. And by the will of fate, his client is a rich lady from the Rublyovka Oksana Fedotova, who has everything except family happiness.


A funny comedy about the unemployed actor Pirozhkov who desperately tries to find the treasure hidden by Tsar's family.


A magical story about the fascinating adventures of a young warrior Koshchei. His whole life is subject to one goal - to destroy the White Ghost, the monster that made him an outcast. But everything changes when Koschey meets a young dryad - circus May. By chance, in their hands is the fate of all fantastic people. Heroes have to make a difficult choice between their own lives and the salvation of the world from ancient evil.