Miroslaw Zulawski

Set during the Nazi occupation of Poland, in which Michal witnesses the murder of his mother, wife and child. He is hurled into a life that literally is not his own; a surreal world littered with trapdoors, doppelgängers and wormholes. It also tells the true untold story of a Nazi vaccine laboratory where Jews and members of the resistance were “employed” as feeders for parasites infected with typhus.


One day Mucjusz and his friend Malaj visit the mansion of Fabiusz, an old time friend of Mucjusz. Their sudden arrival makes Fabiusz anxious because years ago Mucjusz was in love with his beautiful wife Waleria. The visitor, however, assures Fabiusz that during his wanderings he has met many other women and has forgotten his old flame. The master of the house offers for him to stay in the garden pavilion. At the party in their honor, while Mucjusz distributes gifts to everyone present, Malaj plays the charming "Song of Love." It's rumored that those who are in love can do unusual things while listening to this melody at night. To prove it Mucjusz pierces his chest with a stiletto and takes it out without a sign of pain. At night Waleria wakes up to the sounds of the charming song coming from the outside and goes to the pavilion. In their conversation Mucjusz confesses that he still loves her but he has leprosy.


In 1912, Szczebieniew, a rich and ailing old man, comes to Italy with his young wife, Zinaida. Bored with his company, she looks for amusement and casual affairs. Szczebieniew is aware of it but he hopes that at least this way she can bear him an heir. However, he makes sure that she is always accompanied by Emelianow, Szczebieniew's servant and confidant. One day, in a movie theater Zinaida meets Ernesto Fosca, a young Italian violinist. She asks him to give her music lessons. She doesn't conceal her affection for him and they end up spending a night together. In the morning, though, Emelianow tells Ernesto that it was all planned.


The fate of a German found by the French peasants - a deserter from the Legion of Foreign Affairs fighting in Vietnam.
