Mitsuo Andô

The Iron Cross Army are sabotaging oil-tankers with the help of their monster, the Sea-Devil, a semi-mechanical anthropomorphic swordfish with an ability to shoot torpedoes from its mouth. Spider-Man employs the help of the interpol agent Jūzō Mamiya to help him stop the Iron Cross Army. Spider-Man uses his remote controlled Marveller to prevent the Sea-Devil from bombing an industrial complex by coming it's missiles explode in the air. After that the monsters master makes it grow giant and Spider-Man has to use his Marveller to transform into a giant mech to fight the monster, after they exchang blows Spider-Man uses the mechs giant sword to disintegrate the Sea-Devil.


Young motorcycle racer Takuya Yamashiro sees a UFO falling to earth, in fact a space warship named the Marveller. Takuya's father Dr. Hiroshi Yamashiro, a space archaeologist, investigates the case, but is killed upon finding the spaceship. The incident also attracts the attention of Professor Monster and his evil Iron Cross Army, an alien group that plans to rule the universe. Takuya follows his father to the Marveller and discovers Garia, the last surviving warrior of Planet Spider, a world that was destroyed by Professor Monster and the Iron Cross Army. Garia explains that he was hunting Prof. Monster but now needs someone to carry on the fight and he injects Takuya with some of his own blood. The blood of a person from Planet Spider gives Takuya spider-like powers. Garia then gives Takuya a bracelet that can activate his spider protector costume, shoot web-lines, and controls the Marveller ship. Using his powers, Takuya fights Professor Monster's army and other threats to Earth under the name Spider-Man.


A Masked Monster being chased for stealing a microfilm with EAGLE secrets hides on a houseboat to avoid Kaijo and Asuka's pursuit.

The moth-like superhero Inazuman has the climactic battle with Emperor Bamba and the Neo-Human Empire Phantom Army while also confronting the rise of President Geisel and the Desper Corps. An alternate version of events depicted in the TV series, exhibited theatrically in 3-D.

Professor Gill has created a machine that lets him restore destroyed robots. This machine is used to recreate all of the destructroids that had been destroyed by Kikaider. Kikaider is forced to destroy them all once again, and a new Destructoid Multi-Colored Sand Lizard.


Matsu, known to the prisoners as Scorpion, is locked away in the bowels of the prison as revenge for disrupting the smooth operation of the prison and for her disfiguring attack on the warden. Granted a one day reprieve due to the visit of a dignitary, she takes advantage and attacks the warden again. This leads to more brutal punishment and humiliation. But the punishment gives her an oppurtunity to escape along with six other female prisoners. Their surreal flight from prison pits the convicts against the guards, the warden and each other.


A young leader of the Yamazaki family of Nagasaki, Takida (Ken Takakura) is an A-bomb survivor. He fiercely battles violent elements in southern Japan like there is no tomorrow.


Three robbers escape with loot from a heist before one of them shoots the others. Their corpses wash up near the aftermath of a maritime calamity, provoking a policeman's interest.


Journalist Kuroki is investigating clandestine arms sales to Southeast Asia. He discovers that the point man in an arms trade was also involved in the cover-up of a murder on an American base during the Allied Occupation. The film rolls along as a suspenseful thriller while offering a critique of political corruption, hypocrisy, and journalistic cowardice in postwar Japan.


The great Sonny Chiba stars as Goro Saionji, a drifting thrill-seeker. Out to investigate a suspisious plane crash in the Red Valley, he uncovers a plot involving yakuza and a shady land developer to evict an old farmer off of his land to build a sky resort. Goro must now help the old farmer and his daughter and take those criminals on.


After a successful robbery the culprits, from very different backgrounds, at once turn on each other.


The sixth and last Moonlight Mask film in the original series produced by Toei in the 1950s.
