Miwa Matsumoto

Tai is now a university student, living alone, working hard at school, and working every day, but with his future still undecided. Meanwhile, Matt and others continue to work on Digimon incidents and activities that help people with their partner Digimon. When an unprecedented phenomenon occurs, the DigiDestined discover that when they grow up, their relationship with their partner Digimon will come closer to an end. As a countdown timer activates on the Digivice, they realize that the more they fight with their partner Digimon, the faster their bond breaks. Will they fight for others and lose their partner? The time to choose and decide is approaching fast. There is a short time before “chosen children” will become adults. This is the last adventure of Tai and Agumon.


The new anime will take place in 2020 and will feature an all-new story centering on Taichi Yagami when he is in his fifth year in elementary school. His partner is Agumon. The story begins in Tokyo when a large-scale network malfunction occurs. Taichi is preparing for his weekend summer camping trip when the incident happens. Taichi's mother and his younger sister Hikari get stuck on a train that won't stop moving, and Taichi heads to Shibuya in order to help them. However, on his way there, he encounters a strange phenomenon and sweeps him up into the Digital World along with the other DigiDestined.


In the three years since the defeat of MaloMyotismon, the DigiDestined have all grown older and, though they remain friends, find it difficult to gather as an entire group. Taichi "Tai" Kamiya, now in his second year of high school, feels this disconnect keenly. A new threat arrives in the form of Infected Digimon who have the ability to rampage on Earth and leave wide swathes of destruction behind them, causing public sentiment to turn against Digimon in general. Tai struggles with the changing times and his own growing realization of the repercussions of his actions as time moves inexorably forward.

Ayumu Aizawa who can't recall his childhood. He doesn't suffer from amnesia but his younger days are a mystery to him. When asked to spend the summer with his father in Tana, a rural town two hours away from his home in Tokyo, Ayumu refuses as he has not seen his divorced father in four years. He gets bribed by his mother with a mountain bicycle and reluctantly agrees. Unbeknownst to him, this fateful trip will put together bits of his past. Soon after arriving at Tana, Ayumu encounters strange happenings such as meeting a mysterious boy called Wakkun, who lives in an enchanted forest, and floating orbs of lights appearing in the sky.


A year after the events of the first season, a virus Digimon called Diaboromon appears and starts attacking the Internet. The children and their Digimon unite once more in order to prevent him from destroying every communications network on the planet.


While at summer camp, seven kids are transported to a strange digital world. In this new world they make friends with creatures that call themselves Digimon who were born to defend their world from various evil forces.


An anime based on the manga of the same name written by Maguro Fujita.

They are neither animals nor humans. They cannot be distinctly categorised as boys or girls. They are also not considered to be Earthlings or space creatures. There are no such specific titles in the world of Coji-Coji. Instead, it boils down to the meaning of "existence", an emphasis on the root of a character. This world hinges on all things natural, the pure existence of life. The protagonist, Coji-Coji, represents a perfect existence where truths of life are constantly being delivered and no words of malice can be spoken.

Nurse Angel Ririka SOS is a magical girl series. The manga was written by novelist Yasushi Akimoto and illustrated by Koi Ikeno, and ran in Ribon Magazine. The anime based on it ran in the summer of 1995 and has 35 episodes, and is renowned director Daichi Akitaro's debut as a series director.


In 2012, between the events of Digimon Adventure tri. and Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna, the early adulthood DigiDestined—Daisuke, Miyako, Iori, Takeru Takashi, Hikari, and Ken—must reconcile their new responsibilities with their Digimon partners. But Rui Owada, a mysterious young man, appears claiming to be the first human to partner with a Digimon–Ukkomon. Could Rui really have been the first ever DigiDestined?