Miya Muqi

Wu Qingqing is an agent of the International Security Alliance (to combat mutant crime) and is ordered to infiltrate Medusa Plastic Hospital to collect evidence of the secret research on genetic induction fluid by its direct consortium to create mutant fighters. Wu Qingqing successfully infiltrates, but was forced to inject a gene induction fluid.

Covert security company Vanguard is the last hope of survival for an accountant after he is targeted by the world's deadliest mercenary organization.

At the end of the Chino-Japanese War, a top military officer, Zhang Zhidong, is kidnapped in the middle of the night by a militant organisation called the White Lotus Society. When he overhears a sinister plot to overthrow the central government by China s own military officials, Wong Fei Hung knows he must rescue Zhang to protect China and prevent another war from happening.

Loosely based on The Tale of Darkness, a traditional song of mourning, the film follows Wang Zhun, a director in search of inspiration for his new script, as he embarks on an unpredictable trek across China’s remote Shennongjia mountains in Hubei province with an urbane producer, Ding Hongmei; a young actor named Bai; and his loyal photographer, Du Chun. The journey delivers a relentless series of unexpected physical hardships and subtle emotional ebbs and flows on the protagonists.


Two professors team up to locate a lost treasure and embark on an adventure that takes them from a Tibetan ice cave to Dubai, and to a mountain temple in India.


Taking place 500 years after the Havoc in Heaven, the Tang Priest is appointed by Buddha to go to the West to fetch the sacred scriptures, only to accidentally free the Monkey King. With Lady White (Gong Li) aiming to break up the team assembled to defeat her, the Monkey King must fight in order to save his world!


Yushan at the foot of a town, the old factory accident found an old tomb, the news spread, not only caused widespread concern in the archaeological community, but also attracted the attention of the Tomb of the gang.
