Modesto Cid

Arcos de la Frontera, in the early nineteenth century, when Napoleon's troops invaded Spain. In house Alvareda they are preparing the wedding of the daughter with a young man named Ventura. But the wedding is not held because Ventura escapes after killing a French soldier. Years later he returns and resumes his relationship with his fiancee. However, a great secret weighs in his heart, he feels an irrepressible passion for Rita, the wife of his brother in law.


Venice Film Festival 1951


A son of the Marquise of Seven Almenas is robbed by a crook and deposited in Melchor's house, who sells dolls in the street. The administrator of the Marquise discover the whereabouts of the child and goes to pick him up, but Melchior gives him one of his children, thinking that will ensure the future. Over the years, Melchior, widower, enters as a steward in the house of the marquise where the alleged 'marquis' live splendidly.


"Dawn of Hope" (1937) is a film made by Antonio Sau for the anarchist union the CNT and is also one of the most important social films made ​​in Spain. Keep in mind that was filmed at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War, when the revolutionary impulse still held firm. In this respect, tells the story of John, a worker who has just become unemployed, their effort to get a new, impossible to work in a country with more than three million unemployed at the time, as it says in the film. John's wife also takes a humiliating job to feed their children. Outraged by this and seeing the conformism of the people, John ends up as a social agitator.
