Mohamed Reda

When Saeed and his colleague Samir go through financial hardship, Ali seizes the opportunity to convince them to use their government jobs to get bribes to facilitate people's requests. Ali gets a percentage of the money until they decide to repent, but Ali refuses to leave them alone.

Hammouda participates in the project of a calves dairy and fattening with Al-Shanwani, who gets from Hammouda a trust receipt. Al-Shanwani wants to marry Samia, the daughter of Hamouda, who refuses, as well as her father refuses, because he is married to three women.

Abdel Samea goes to Egypt with his wife and children looking for a job so he works as a doorman, and by being smart he works as a broker until he makes a lot of money


Omar is on his way to Tanta, to deliver a case full of jewelry. however, his car breaks down on the way.


A widow bullied by traders in the fish market from further commercial aims after the death of her husband,a worker stand by her side and help then married her,but does the money and power change him ?


A rich man hires a good to marry his ex-wife.


Simple young man Ali Mazhar dreams of being rich fast because he thinks he has super mental powers. He begins to realize his dream when he meets businessman Mumtaz and works with him. At the same time, he falls in love with Hossnia, who he thinks is rich but he's shocked by a series of surprises.

Fathi returns from Kuwait to find the toxicity of his father's widow. He married the deceased Midhat. He meets his friend Hasan, who turns into a fatwa. After losing his arm in the October war, Fathi discovers that his father is dead,


Jalal (Samir Ghanem) and his wife Madiha (Issad Younes) are under severe financial hardship, and their property is mortgaged until they have almost nothing, and thus the spouses are forced to do unusual things to meet their needs.

Director: Ahmed Badr El Din (Director) Hassan Abdulsalam (Director) Writer: Hamdy Abbas (Writer) Cast: Mohamed Reda Nadia Fahmy George Sedhom Ibrahim Nasr Mohamed El Sabea Effendi

After his troubles with the dancer, who worked with him for several months, the drummer discovers the joys of the young dancer in one of the mothers, who lives with her sister Saber's wife and agrees to train her and turn her into a famous dancer in order to dance to his highly skilled rhythm. Joys agree to the drummer's terms, including paying him a sum of ten Thousands of pounds, in case she is technically separated from him, are joyful in the way of fame until she becomes one of the most famous dancers.


In the 1940s, the policeman Imam moves to Cairo to work in an area devoted to prostitution. There he falls in love with the prostitute Nusse who works with the bully Jalal without knowing that she is practicing this profession. He is defended by an imam who beats an English soldier who tries to intercept her and assault her. He is tried and dismissed from service, then returns to live in the neighborhood and look for work, and becomes a pimp, a quarrel between him and Jalal al-Fatwa. Each trying to prove his strength and impose his power.


Masood and Hamid live in a room in the house of Louahez, they owe the people of the neighborhood a lot of money. One day, a letter arrives from Australia saying that Massoud's uncle died and he inherited one million pounds. Now everyone is nice to Masood hoping to have part of the money.

Bayada has a small restaurant in her hometown, and her fiancé Hassan is fishing. Some foreigners arrive claiming to be searching for the body of their grandfather at the bottom of the sea but they smuggle gold. Khalil helps them and dives for money. Hassan suspects them and starts watching them.

Director: أحمد حلمي (Director) Writer: أحمد حلمي () Cast: Mohamed Reda Mohamed Awad Nahed Gabr Mohamed Abo El Hassan Suhair Tawfiq Souad Hussein

The story revolves around the escape of Azza from the family home after many harassment of her mother's husband. On her journey, Azza meets Medhat, who agrees to live in his house after failing to find an independent dwelling, where she meets Magda and becomes friends after that , But things get complicated when Magda dies and the appearance of the family of the deceased Magda's husband


Alaa lives and grows up in a forest in Africa, and before the death of his father, the ruler of the African country in which he and his son live recommends the necessity for Alaa to return to Egypt, and after his return Alaa finds it very difficult to adapt to the new situation in which he finds himself, until he finds a girl who teaches him to read And writing, and a love story arises between him and her.

Na'iema's husband is a madly jealous man who prevents his wife from going out and unplugs the telephone. When the poor wife calls a technician to fix the telephone, her husband arrives and divorces her as he believes that she has been cheating on him all this time.

Hosni does not find a suitable time to spend at home to consider the affairs of his house, wife and children, as he is the editor-in-chief of one of the well-known magazines, writes about youth issues, but he finds himself immersed in work and in a relationship with his secretary, Suheir, without knowing that she is secretly married to his son Khaled, except That the October war erupts and Khalid invokes with others, the father discovers the extent of his mistake and his wife returns to the house while sending his son before his martyrdom a letter to his father recommending him to his wife Suheir.

Zarifa objects the marriage of her daughter Mona from Tahsin, as she wants her married to a wealthy man, while Ashour, Mona's father, supports the marriage. Zarifa dies, and Ashour, Mona and Tahsin settle on a wedding date, only to see Zarifa's spirit appearing to them trying to spoil their plans.


Hamida dreams of studying at the faculty of commerce and live her life like any ordinary girl, but her narrow minded father wants her to stay at home and wait for her future husband. With the help of her boyfriend Hassan, who is a medical student he arranges for her to disguise herself as a man after lying to her father that his daughter had undergone a procedure and became a male.


Fakhrani and Kamal Taliban want to marry Faten and Feryal, but their father, Shaweesh, refuses, because the military history of the family necessitates their marriage to military personnel, so Fakhrani and Kamal join the Institute of Police Trustees after obtaining high school. The duration of the study is short and the father agrees to marry his two daughters. One of the gangs kidnaps (Jalal), the youngest son of Maghawri, and it must be found to complete the marriage. Fakhrani and Kamal decide to make a plan, return it to his father and complete their joy.

The film tells the story of 3 navy officers, Samir, Ahmed and Sherif who go back to their houses and wives for only 24 hours vacation after spending 6 months on duty aboard the ship. But instead of being welcomed after their long absence, their wives ignore them completely because of their doubts in their husbands' loyalty during long absence. But later on, the wives were proven wrong and they forgive their husbands who get another 24 hours vacation.

This comedy revolves around a man travels from Upper Egypt to Cairo looking for a wife, finally he find her, and tried in different ways to make her pay attention to him.


Safwat, Mohammed, Zaghloul and Adel, who are surrounded by terrible social conditions, where the collapse of the family and the lack of emotional communication, they are trying to steal the apartment of an old lady who lives alone and turned down the stairs. During the robbery, the old man appears suddenly and ridicules them and insults them from their point of view. Zaghloul, a young man who tends to be fun despite his father's cruel treatment, is arrested. Adel, who wants money to arrest his girlfriend Zizi, is arrested from the cabaret shop, as well as from the cabaret. Mohammed decides the son of the lawyer Famous for Shawkat to surrender himself after he died during childbirth sweetheart Sameera, while Safwat commits suicide after his brother Shukri found his beloved Nana had speeches. The rest are arrested.

Afaf struggles to find an apartment when she then meets her mate in work Fattouh.


The great lawyer Mamdouh neglects his cases because of gambling, and after the insistence of his wife straightens his case, spending his nights at home playing with her, and over the course of days the wife learns the secrets of the game. The picture turns, becomes a gambling player and neglects the affairs of the house

A gang that takes a nightclub and walks her to search for a map showing the treasure of Napoleon, one of the gang members tries to search for the map and the gang members struggle to end up with a greatness to get the map and put it in his closet and after the killing of Tanashi police come to investigate the killing of Tanashi sold furniture His home to one of the teachers Balah Agency Reda Font (Reda Bond), who was making a living from the sweat of his forehead Vstih money, Huda tries with Salah to get the paper in the treasury of greatness and the teacher and his men start in the face of some troubles and chases between Alexandria and Cairo by gangsters , Is testing E Huda Furniture in a vehicle called it looking for her brother and the teacher enters Reza prison gang behind it is sending one of its members and is found on the map in the wall clock and ends up on the arrest of the gang members by police.

Zainab moves from Mansoura to Cairo to work as a music teacher, but she faces a problem finding accommodation. She eventually finds accommodation with the dancer (Najaf), but she hides from her that there is a resident during the day, so she sleeps there at night, and the reporter works at night and sleeps in the apartment during the day. The reporter discovers Zainab's residence in the apartment, and troubles begin.

Afaf is a psychopath, who escapes from her Samnoudi husband on her wedding night, then later meets with two other people and agrees with each of them separately to marry, but she escapes when the moments of the Qur’an come, and the same behavior is repeated with the fourth from which she also escapes, and husbands begin to present Communications on charges of polygamy.

The mechanic (Abbas) loves the poor girl (Fatima), and proposes to her and her father agrees at the beginning of the matter, but soon he changes his mind and forces her to marry a wealthy old man. (Fatima) and her family reside in a hotel preparing for marriage, and (Abbas) tries to kidnap (Fatima), but the daughter of the rich sees him, and she admires him and asks to become her personal guard, and he agrees until he becomes close to (Fatima). The wedding ring is stolen and the mother suspects Abbas, who is trying to prove his innocence.

Tawfik is a gang leader who threatens Salem, who works at an atomic energy center, to force him to steal and hide a priceless atomic shipment, which causes many clashes and chases.

A film producer who agrees with one of the directors to direct a movie, assigning the movie starring to Noussa, then filming is delayed and disputes arise between Noussa and the film's hero, as they both try to manage a mold for the other, so that they fall in love together and insist on completing filming after changing the story of the movie.

When his leading lady drops out of his film, a director gets a saleswoman for the part and introduces her as a sophisticated lady. When the movie becomes a smash hit, she rebels against the director.

Three young men stolen by a girl

Nadia is jealous of her husband in a satisfactory way, she discovers that he is in a relationship with a dancer and she falls into a psychological crisis that goes after her to a psychiatrist, finds her suffering from a double personality, exploits this medical analysis and recoils another personality and claims that she is related to another person, and in fact she relates to her previous fiancé and meets him and ignores her husband .


Noha and Ahmed are in love but face a series of complications before getting married due to their traditional parents

A cowardly, weak-eyed man loses his glasses in the street and suddenly a lion appears in front of him and is believed to be a sheep. He decides to imprison it in a butcher shop to discover that he is imprisoned a lion.

Three women each have their own ambitions and aspirations. The first dreams of fame and fortune and meets a rich, married man she attempts to court. The second is a secretary with designs on her boss, even though he too is married. Having learned from her friends' experiences, the third takes an altogether different path.


Atia is an overly kind man whose wife abandons him due to his weak personality. He meets a greedy producer who plans to exploit a wealthy woman to produce a movie for him, only for Atia to discover that the wealthy woman is his wife whom he hasn't seen in years.


A musical film that depicts the life of the Egyptian people under the rule of the English colonizer through the revolutionary of the beggars, represented by Shakal who falls in love with the revolutionist Hassanin and helps him combat the colonizer.

Amshir works in a cabaret owned by his wealthy friend Medhat al-Shamashiri . Medhat is sentenced to a month's imprisonment after he burned a man of the wealthy of Upper Egypt named Al-Najawi.


The events of the play revolve around the problem of the similar who is used as a substitute for the original, whereby a similar is used in order to obtain a reward from a rich man and the monument on him, and this similar is trying to get close to the daughter of the rich man.

Three stories written by Ihsan Abdul Quddus about three thieves, their circumstances differed, and their motives for theft differed.The first steals from a traitorous wife believing that this is his right, and the second steals a public bus in order to quickly reach his sick wife, the third steals his old aunt to be able to get married.

When a hardworking girl meets the love of her life, her happiness is ruined when she discovers that her sweetheart is the son of the owner of the company where she works and his wealthy family adamantly opposes their marriage.

Hammouda is a simple teacher who works in a compulsory school, and one day he raises some trouble with a parent, but the school principal does justice to the guardian, and separates Hammouda from the school, so Hammouda works in an economic company, and soon discovers that the company’s manager is doing illegal work They offer to help him in these works. Hammouda will soon learn the swindling and fraud, and he will be able to do some work on his behalf and become rich.

The story of the work revolves around three young people (Anwar), (Mohsen) and (Majdi), who live in one apartment, and events escalate when Anwar gets to know the Cohen family consisting of father, mother and two daughters Rachel and Esther, expecting Rachel to love her, then she seeks to blackmail him as the father of her child, He tries to accuse his friends of the events.


Muhammad fails to pass the diploma exam and does not care about his studies or success in his life, his father (Mohamed Reda) turns to a psychiatrist (Abdel Moneim Ibrahim) in the hope that he will find a remedy for his problem, in fact the doctor is nothing but a failed claimant impostor. Muhammad meets the girl of his dreams, Dina (Souad Hosni), who exchanges love while his cousin, Wafa (Nawal Abu Al Fotouh), loves him from one side. The fake doctor seizes the opportunity to improve Muhammad’s condition and claims to be the cause of his recovery. Events unfold in a comical and romantic setting.


A comedy about a television director who gets provoked by his uncle to avenge his dead father, but he prefers to let things go and get married to Layla. But he then gets informed that one of the members of the family who killed his father was released form prison and is planning to kill him.

(Abu Al-Layl) is a mysterious person who wears a mask on his face and no one knows who he is. He moves with a dog and completely controls the people of a town, and makes them carry out what he orders them to do whatever it is, because of their intense fear of him and the only one who can communicate with (Abu Al-Layl) whenever she wants She is (Duha) because of an affair between them, and (Ahmed) tries to do everything in his power to find out who (Abu Al-Layl) is and rid the town of its evils.

A café on the road where motorists meet and run by Hafida and leads a gang with Adham, Sanad and Hindawi, her daughter Bahia dances to the pioneers of the cafe and seeks Adham to marry her, but she turns it off. It is the cause of its drowning.


The story revolves around Sultan, the poor child who grows up and becomes a military correspondent at an elite brigade. He enjoys the sympathy of the police officer, the son of the general, unlike the rest of the house.


Abu Zeid is a strong personality, emotions do not interfere with his life and decisions. He soon discovers Haridi is plotting his murder on the eve of his wedding night.


Nabeel is a veterinarian who because of his honesty and hard work gets into trouble with many people.