Molly Vevers

Gazing from a window upon the polished propriety of genteel Victorian Edinburgh society, a young woman takes delight in imagining the pent-up carnal desire bubbling beneath the surface of the city’s straitlaced exterior.

Presiding over the most glamorous court in Europe and beloved by their people, Queen Catherine and Henry VIII together create an England that is proud, confident and strong enough to withstand threat from abroad. Catherine’s struggle to produce an heir places her marriage and position in the court at risk, and she is haunted by her choices from the past. Despite proving herself a politician, a diplomat, a national inspiration and even a military commander, Catherine must battle to save her love with the King, and to preserve the peace and prosperity of their reign.

It’s the turn of the New Year and a young woman fumbles her way through an unknown future.

In Glasgow 1952, Scottish single mother, Elizabeth has to choose between the safety of herself and her son or financial stability by inviting in her darkest nightmare.
