Monti Castiñeiras

A video-dance adaptation of the short story "A Marquesiña" (The Little Marchioness), from the book "Cousas" (Things), by Castelao.

In 1588, a castaway from the Spanish Armada, sent from Portugal by Philip II of Spain to conquer England, is captured on an Irish beach. There he is tried, declared guilty and hanged to death. All of this would be reasonable according to the laws of war and hatred among humans. The problem is the prisoner is a monkey.

It takes place in the Galicia (Spain) of the 80s, when the fishing sector was transformed and many of the shipowners became indebted. This situation will be favorable for the start of activities such as contraband and drug trafficking.


The film spans 30 years in Julieta’s life from a nostalgic 1985 where everything seems hopeful, to 2015 where her life appears to be beyond repair and she is on the verge of madness.


Sicixia is a fiction feature-length film shot in Costa da Morte (Galicia, Spain). Sicixia is an intended peripheral film. Periphery is where the world gets different, not where it ends. For Romans, Finisterrae was the end of the world. Sicixia wants it to start from here. Sicixia portrays Costa da Morte's unique heritage by intertwining fiction and reality, powerful images with subtle and rich sounds and stories.


Three friends in wheelchairs welcome a new patient at a children's hospital. Growing up together. All emotions pass the revue. Friendship and hope survive all.


A story of love and obsession during the Spanish Civil War


Sonia, the daughter of a prominent publisher, is about to fulfill her lifelong dream of marrying Rosendo, a promising writer with homosexual tendencies, who pines for his fiancee far less than he does for the brand new literary award launched by his future father-in-law. The wedding shindig will bring its share of unexpected surprises. This is a film is part of the DOGME 95 Movement, described as follows: 'the goal of the Dogme collective is to purify film-making by refusing expensive and spectacular special effects, post-production modifications and other gimmicks. The emphasis on purity forces the filmmakers to focus on the actual story and on the actors' performances. Given these restrictions the story and the action of DIAS DE BODA ('WEDDING DAYS') seem much more immediate and the lapses in fluidity of the story can be forgiven - to a point.
