Moore Marriott

After foiling a robbery, Ben, a window cleaner is hired by Lady Barr-Nunn to guard her valuables. A comedy based on class divisions and snobbery.

Eileen Hannay (Dinah Sheridan) is the singing star of an Irish operatic society but gives up to marry Terry O'Keefe (John Bentley).


A fisherman begins studying to be an osteopath. Although he isn't finished with medical school, he begins treating his landlady's daughter who is believed to have a chronic illness. He seems to cure her, and the case draws a lot of attention, some of it negative because he was unlicensed when he treated her. He still does not have a degree when he marries the daughter and begins practising osteopathy.


Jeckie Farnish is a level-headed young woman, unlike her spoiled younger sister, Rushie. When the sisters become involved with charming businessman Charles Mortimer, the resulting tragedy leads to a lust for revenge on Rushie's part. However, Jeckie knows that she can always turn to reliable Joe Bartle in times of need.


In the midst of Nazi air raids, a postman dies on the operating table at a rural hospital. But was the death accidental?


An elderly couple move into an old, supposedly haunted abandoned house. A young girl comes to live with the pair as a companion for the wife. However, soon the girl is possessed by the spirit of another girl, a wealthy woman who had once lived in the house but who had been murdered there.


Ministry of Information dramatized vocational film on assistance in finding jobs after the Second World War.


A socialist inherits the ownership of a major firm and begins wrestling with his beliefs.


In turn-of-the-century London a young music publisher fights both competitors and piracy in a time where author's royalties were still unprotected.


A young woman who comes to Liverpool for domestic employment and finds romance with a young sailor who winds up in hospital after a fight.


A stray World War Two bomb releases the ghost of the 3rd Earl of Chaunduyt after 400 years. A visiting professor, while wooing the beautiful Lady Mary, daughter of the present Earl, finds him an ally in his fight on behalf of the villagers to protect their ancient rights against a meddling newcomer.


The Professor (Felix Aylmer) is showing Susie (Evelyn Dall) around his time machine when it accidently takes off with Tommy (Tommy Handley) and Bill (George Moon) also on board. They are transported to Elizabethan England where they come across Walter Raleigh, William Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth 1, Captain John Smith and Pocohontas. Will our time travellers return?


Millions Like Us is a 1943 British propaganda film, showing life in a wartime aircraft factory in documentary detail. It stars Patricia Roc, Eric Portman, Megs Jenkins, and Anne Crawford, was written by Sidney Gilliat, and directed by Gilliat and Frank Launder. It was filmed at Gainsborough Studios. When Celia Crowson (Roc) is called up for war service, she hopes for a glamorous job in one of the services, but as a single girl she is directed into a factory making aircraft parts. Here she meets other girls from all different walks of life, and begins a relationship with a young airman.


Jilted by his fiancee, Arthur Pilbeam gets a job as far away from women as possible. Alone in a lighthouse, he soon finds that 12 other people end up living on the tiny island. Thirteen is an unlucky number; and one-by-one they disappear ...


Hi Gang! is a 1941 British comedy film directed by Marcel Varnel and starring Bebe Daniels, Ben Lyon and Vic Oliver. It was a spin-off from the popular radio series Hi Gang!.


It's war time London and the Crazy Gang (Flanagan & Allen, Nervo & Knox, Naughton & Gold) are doing their bit for the war effort by running a fish and chip stall using their platoon's barrage balloon for advertising. Their Sgt Major is not happy about this and orders them to take the balloon down, but a freak heavy wind accidentally carries the gang away to Nazi Germany. They are captured and placed in a detention camp where they meet an elderly prisoner named Jerry, who possess a map for the location of a secret weapon which will win the war! Fortunately Teddy Knox's impersonation of Hitler lands him the spot of pretending to be the Fuhrer at a gala dinner and the gang are allowed out of the camp. However the Nazis have other ideas for their substitute leader.


Classic comedy starring Arthur Askey. The perils, humiliations and humour of trying to run a second-rate theatrical company are further compounded when financial aid, given by the former famous music-hall star Lady Randall (Lily Morris), is withdrawn. Not to be defeated, the stars decide the show must go on and devise a plan to persuade her to reinvest


A gang of spies held up in a haunted castle gives this team of celebrated British wireless comedians plenty of scope for laughs.


Charley's (Big-Hearted) Aunt is a 1940 British comedy film directed by Walter Forde starring Arthur Askey and Richard Murdoch as Oxford 'scholars'. The film is one of many to be made based on the farce Charley's Aunt. Taking inspiration from a well-known Victorian play, a modern-day prankster poses as a wealthy woman in a ploy to prevent him and his friends from being expelled from college.


Shades of "Romeo and Juliet" with rival British Brewery owners who hate each other and their children who fall in love.


The Crazy Gang join the 1898 gold rush. Unfortunately it's now 1939 and they're a bit late.


A run-away school-girl falls among chorus girls planning to marry into the nobility.


The mirthful adventures of Police-Sergeant Samuel Dudfoot and his two constables, Albert Brown and Jeremias Harbottle, who stage a fabricated crime-wave to save their jobs---and then find themselves involved in the real thing.


Capt Viking and his incompetent fire crew accidentally foil a plot to steal the crown jewels.


Hay plays Professor Benjamin Tibbetts, representative of the Teaching & Welfare Institution for the Reformation of Pagans (otherwise known as T.W.I.R.P for short), and dedicated to spreading education amongst the natives of colonial Africa. As he arrives (still trying to learn the native language via recordings), Professor Tibbetts is tricked into sneaking a gin still into the country by a local prince. Later, Tibbetts makes his way to Kombooli High, where his students wear Eton collars alongside their native garb and Tibbetts finds himself sporting a mortarboard and safari shorts due to the heat. When the Commissioner falls ill with a dose of malaria, Tibbetts is forced to take over his duties, which include collecting the taxes. Upriver, he finds an old paddlesteamer operated by Harbottle (Moore Marriott) and Albert (Graham Moffatt) and the threesome rescue a baby from death by sacrifice.


A female detective investigates the kidnapping of a wealthy businessman.


Adam McAdam is an old, dour sheepherder whose life is devoted to his faithful dog, the whiskey bottle and his daughter, Jeannie. And a conflict that arises when the other sheep-men of the district try every means within their power to have his dog, accused of being a sheep-killer, destroyed.


A disgraced school master, Benjamin Twist, is mistaken for a tough prison governor and assigned the charge of a prison for particularly hardened criminals. Believing he is being sent to a school rather than a prison, he celebrates accordingly only to find that his drunkenness accidently lands him on the wrong side of the prison bars. The Governorship is eventually restored to him, and he sets about popularising himself amongst the convicts by turning a blind eye to their shady dealings.


George Gommery enjoys slipping up to town to see some little actress, and never suspects that his wife can play the same game just as well as he can. Or at least, he never suspects until he tells his wife that her lover is engaged to the woman whom he has been entertaining in London.


A worker at a gramphone record factory surprisingly creates a hit song.


Comedy in which a bungling railway worker is given the job of stationmaster at a rundown station in rural Ireland, where his sidekicks are a toothless old gaffer and a portly young loudmouth. Hilarious adventures ensue, including a locomotive chase after gunrunners make off with a train.


The film biography of Queen Victoria focussing initially on the early years of her reign with her marriage to Prince Albert and her subsequent rule after Albert's death in 1861.


Will Hay plays a bragging sea captain whose maritime experience actually extends to navigating a coal barge down inland waterways. His tall tales catch him out when he is co-erced into commanding an unseaworthy ship by an unscrupulous shipping agent who means to have it wrecked. This was the first film to couple Will Hay with both Moore Marriott and Graham Moffatt.


Happy-go-lucky soldier Guy De Vere must leave India and return to the family seat at Little Twittering, for he has inherited the family title. Sir Guy finds all his relatives to be frozen stuffed shirts... except lovely cousin Rowena, who is mad about knighthood and chivalry. Struck in the head by a falling suit of armor, Guy dreams he and Rowena are back in 1400, as the unabashed farce continues...


1930s murder mystery.


The Very Reverend Richard Jedd has a problem: the church spire, now in a parlous state of repair, will cost nearly £1,000 to fix. When various money-raising schemes go awry, he is persuaded to waive his principles and bet what’s left of his savings on Dandy Dick, a 10-1 odds-on at the local races. A simple tonic to enhance the nag’s performance seems a good idea… but when the butler decides to intervene, the respectable clergyman finds himself in the middle of a doping scandal – and worse!


A young man is wrongly accused of a brutal murder, is tried and sentenced to death. En route to the prison there is a major train crash and his guards are killed along with an anonymous traveller in the same compartment. He swaps his personal belongings with the dead man and escapes but things don't quite go to plan.


Imposing Canadian-born stage actor and playwright Matherson Lang was one of the twentieth century's great Shakespearean players, and became Britain's foremost screen actor during the 1920s; in Drake of England, one of his final films, he takes the title role in Arthur Woods' portrayal of the life and times of the flamboyant piratical adventurer who founded Britain's sea fortunes. From clandestine romance at the court of Elizabeth I to conquests in the newly discovered lands of South America and spectacular victory over the Armada, Drake of England offers a panoramic overview of Drake's life.


A north-country chimney sweep standing for Parliament is opposed by a local bigwig. His campaign is imperiled when his artist son, Tony, falls in love with a girl who has reason to hope that the bigwig will be elected.


A reporter faces a race against time to clear an actress accused of murder.

King Charles II first meets Nell Gwyn after seeing her do a turn at Drury Lane. They soon become close, the King preferring her feisty irreverent company to that of the aristocratic French Duchess of Portsmouth. Nell becomes his most loyal subject, while ever-ready to take the Duchess down a peg. But the actress can never hope to be fully accepted by the King's circle despite his constant attentions.


A butcher and a draper stand for election to the local council.

A motorcycle champion becomes a stunt rider after he is banned from speedway racing.


A British drama film directed by Widgey R. Newman

A British comedy film directed by Norman Walker

During the Edwardian era, a working-class ballet dancer begins a romance with a wealthy artist against a background of sharp disapproval.


A paralysed farmer watches his brother fall in love with the woman he intended to marry.

A romance occurs between an impoverished tourist and a surprisingly wealthy Germany waitress.

Jane Bell has lived on an old barge moored in the Thames with her feckless father and sister ever since their mother died, but she would prefer her life to be more like the movies


Two women of different social backgrounds work together in a dressmakers.

An ex army officer is forced to resort to a life of crime.

A comedy short directed by W.P. Kellino.

A Yorkshireman comes to London to watch the FA Cup final and loses his money and tickets, leading to a frantic search to recover them...

A mystery film directed by Arthur Maude


A moving anti-war drama in which a father explains the futility of war to his young son. The film includes flashbacks from the father’s own nightmare experiences alongside documentary footage from Verdun, Arras and Ypres with the message that War is not a glorious adventure but ‘“a hideous ugly thing, involving sacrifices on the part of the finest manhood of every combatant nation”.

A drama film directed by Castleton Knight .

Handsome young fisherman Tom Roberts is among the crew of a lifeboat that rescues Frenchwoman Claire le Grange, sole survivor of a shipwreck on the treacherous Goodwin Sands. Tom's marriage to his own sweetheart, Mary, is postponed owing to injuries he sustained in the dramatic rescue, and during his convalescence he falls for the charms of the flirtatious Claire.


The Flying Scotsman is a 1929 black and white film set on the Flying Scotsman train from London to Edinburgh. Engine driver Bob is due to retire from his job after years of distinguished service. On his second to last day he reports Crow, a disgruntled fireman for drinking at work, leading to his dismissal. The sacked man decides to get his revenge, vowing to kill Bob on his final run. Meanwhile, Crow's young replacement has fallen in love with a beautiful girl, whose father, unbeknown to him, happens to be Bob (and who has also boarded the train in an attempt to stop the villain).


Depressive Toni is diagnosed with idlesness by his doctor who recommends more excitement and danger. Another patient, a celebrated detective who bears a striking resemblance to Toni, is diagnosed with exhaustion and told to rest. The two swap places but Toni's first client turns out to be an exiled princess whose jewels are about to be stolen by a ruthless gang and the amateur detective finds more thrills than he bargained for.

A shopgirl loves a paralysed amnesiac and kidnaps him from his interfering mother.


'Devon. Rich widow helps poor squire by pretending his ancestor hid treasure.' (British Film Catalogue)

A promotional short film made by Stoll Film Company to select an actress to appear in one of their feature films.

'A widowed lady, forced into marriage, grows to love her husband when he saves a child from the cliff.' (BFI Filmography)

An Earl's disowned son becomes a chauffeur, loves a landlady, and is jailed for theft.


A champion golfer falls for a beautiful woman, only to find that her heart lies with one of 'the Cultured', a poet and a member of the literary and debating society. The golfer resolves to become an intellectual and, following a lecture by 'a highbrow Russian and typical whiskered Bolshevik' who happens to also be a brother golfer, the object of the golfer's affection realises that there may be something more to the game after all.

A girl is accused when her father kills a blackmailer to save his son.

A widow weds a bully and tames him by having a sailor pose as her long-lost son.