Mostafa Kiayee

Bahman and Ahad are bankrupted and escaping from their debts all the time. But when a fire in Plasco building happens it is their chance to take advantages.


The story of life of a woman Mehri who unintentionally enters into an unknown problem and is searching for a solution for that.


Behind each person is a story , behind each story is a person , so we have to be patient before any judgment


In the tenth year of marriage, Babak and Manizheh face the biggest challenge of their life. Financial problems and difficult social situation cause Babak to work very hard and this leads to a deep gap between him and his wife, in a way that Manizheh starts a new relation, the relation which leads her to addiction and immorality. On the verge of her complete collapse, she wakes up to the truth that she has lost her life.


A hacker group empty a bank account of a big strong person. The story goes on and now they must pay for that.
