Murilo Grossi

On the night of the return to the stage of a famous rock band from the 1980s, a video that involves the band`s lead singer Aurélio Sá in the death of a military policeman, goes viral.


A mysterious and spiritual portrayal of one of the most intense and controversial stories in the Holy Bible: the end of the world.


What child has never dreamed of having a double, someone who would do all of the annoying things in his place? Seeing his reflection get out of the mirror into the real world, this dream comes true for the fearless boy Fernando. Odnanref, his double, presents himself as a solution to all his problems. Adaptation of a successful Brazilian novel written by Fernando Sabino.


Nando, a 12 year old boy, narrates the adventures of his father Antonio, during the 60s in Brazil, who leaves the inland of the state of Minas to go to Brasília, a recently inaugurated city, but still with construction works in progress.


The movie depicts the political crisis that led to the suicide of president Getúlio Vargas, in the 19 days that preceded August 24, 1954. The crisis began with the attempted assassination of journalist and politician Carlos Lacerda in August 5, 1954, at rua Toneleros, Rio de Janeiro, in which Major Vaz was assassinated instead. Investigations pointed to Gregório Fortunato, chief of Vargas' personal guard, as the orderer of the frustrated assassination. This incident was one of the most importants in the history of Brazil.


The countryside of Rio Grande do Sul, and high-school student, Daniel, spends a normal adolescence life with his family, studying, riding his bicycle, playing games on the Internet and expecting one day to move to the big city of Porto Alegre. Daniel has a crush on his girlfriend Mim, who has just broken up with him but is still his friend, and his best friend, Lucas, is one of the best students in São Lucas High-School. Daniel is the son of Elaine and the photographer Daniel, who left Elaine when she was pregnant and moved alone to Thailand. Daniel is raised by Elaine and his stepfather Antônio, and shares a house with his half-sister, Maria Clara. One day, Daniel receives a letter from his biological father, who has malaria, and he is reluctant to open the envelope.


In 2006, a journalist in financial problems, a woman who dresses as a man and a troubled taxi driver become friends, and gradually, an awkward, strong emotional bond emerges among them, especially when they decide to play a confidence game.


An obsessive photographer crazy for female feet; a man that projects himself on situations he sees on TV; a simple public officer that receives a proposal from a corrupt Judge; a slaughter in a marriage crisis and a broken heart secretary that dreams to get married. These five characters will have their lives changed from a hot weekend.


Luísa is a romantic, dreamy and delicate young woman married to Jorge, an engineer, a man of good habits and good economic conditions. They didn't know each other well, but got married and Luísa was a good wife, "she was clean and happy as a bird". Everything get changed when she meets a childhood love, her cousin Basílio. What seemed to be a great adventure will became a nightmare and Luísa will discover the price of her infidelity.


The old servant and chronicler Dom Sabas tells how his desolate South American town is the scene of a ruthless power struggle. The landowning Assis family, reduced to a widow and son, tries to hold out against the young, despotic mayor. No less effective then actions are anonymous rumors and accusations, which often stir the inhabitants' moves.


A group of bored well-off young adults come up with anarchic concept of Conceptionism, that promotes absolute looseness when it comes to sex and drugs, but total rejection of money and ego. However, their movement won't last long.


Diogo is a cartographer and artist who is encharged to set the new frontiers of Portuguese Colonies in South America. When he reaches the center of the continent, finds apparently nothing but wilderness and ‘uncivilized’ natives with strange ways of living. But Captain Pedro, the rude scout who guides him through the jungle, involves Diogo in an involuntary act of violence which will tie him in an unusual way to that far away country. At the same time, the Portuguese colonists are trying to make peace with Guaicuru Indians (one of the few natives with horse-riding abilities). But peace doesn’t ever have a low price.


A movie about a Brazilian entrepreneur who rivalled American's richest man at his time, well-known Rockfeller. Irineu Evangelista de Souza in 1867 had $155.000 contos de reis, meanwhile the Brazilian Governement annual budget was 97.000 contos de reis. The movie shows his life from poverty to riches and back to poverty again, as is common in Brazil, rich people die poor.


An atheist gets into a taxi whose driver is a believer who will try to convince him that God exists, but it was not quite as he had imagined.