Myra Forsyth

Jake lives in the shadow of his dying grandfather, who was once the town's toughest hard man. Despite their hatred of each other, Jake's sole aim is to be as tough as the old man was. One day in Jake's life, as he drifts, drinks and fights, leads to a bleak realisation.


A Sense of Freedom is a 1979 British crime film directed by John Mackenzie for Scottish television. The film starred David Hayman and featured Hector Nicol & Fulton Mackay, is a based on the book of the true story of Jimmy Boyle, who was reputed to be Scotland's most violent man.


It's the day of the Orange Parade in Glasgow, but for Jon, the thrill of leading the parade and swinging the mace soon turns to horror as he learns the truth behind the costumes and songs.


Police sergeant Neil Howie is called to an island village in search of a missing girl whom the locals claim never existed. Stranger still, however, are the rituals that take place there.
